E machine the neighbors across the street looking over and seeing this… how fast do you think they would call every priest in the region? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Air stinker digitizes to… house burner.
What a cool way to meet your local firefighters!
Personally I find the smell of slightly burned vanilla very charming, unfortunately we don’t smell much under the breathing equipment. So, kinda wasted effort.
I started laughing my ass off at this and then my wife wanted to see what was so funny and now I’m not allowed to do this.
Makes me sad.
I mean…she can’t watch you all the time…
I tried it. It works. I am now homeless.
At least now you know it works
I’m going to fireball your cardboard box
Axe body spray plus a lighter is my go-to anti bug method. Haven’t burned anything down, but scared the hell out of several friends.
Playing with fire is such a basic human instinct. Never gets old for me.
I think I have one of those refills around here somewhere and am also pretty sure they’re water based enough to not do that. Other air fresheners though? Hell yeah. Relatively cool flame, as far as fire goes anyway. Like don’t aim it at a couch or curtain and the incident will probably be described more as property damage than burning the building down.
Yeah just took one outside and tested it. Makes the dramatic little fireball but none of the jackasses at my high school who burned their eyebrows off with shit like that took the house with them.
Great way to commit insurance fraud… new house here I come!
use an ice candle
Nah, set it up like you placed the candle there on purpose but didn’t think about the glade plugin. Being dumb or forgetful are plausible for anyone and not going to get you arrested for arson.
negligence is a fine tightrope to walk.
I’d rather have an ice candle with a small wick that burns and melts as the house comes down.