im not a big gamer but like retro games, theyre nice, simple(sometimes) and runs great on my potato.
but i feel like i keep losing interest for some reason. it might just be because its not my thing but im too stubborn to accept it.
i have free time, a controller, know how to use an emulator and really wanna play the game.
im playing(ive been on hiatus for over a month) zelda a minish cap and my save got accident deleted permanently and had to restart.
i plan on playing, chrono trigger, zelda ocarina of time, starfox and simillar games.
do you have any “gateway” game i should play first or some other advice?
tl;dr i wanna play retro but keep losing interest. what is easy to get into or bits of advice?
sorry for so much text btw thnks
Retro gaming brings a feeling of nostalgia for most that are into it. My video game life started off on an Atari 2600, so playing old games from my childhood is fun and a reminder of easier times. That being said NES provides a bunch of pick up and play fun games. Here is a short list of fun games to play.
Mike Tyson’s punch out Mega Man series- Mega Man 2 has the most banger soundtrack. R-Type Alpha mission RC Pro Am Ironman Ivan Stewart’s Off-road Super sprint Double Dragon Kung Fu
These should provide a bunch of different play types and genres to figure out what types of games scratch your itch.
I’ll fix your list for you. It doesn’t have any line breaks, and it has some typos.
If you want markdown to preserve new lines you have to add two spaces at the end of each line before hitting Enter. Or just make a bulleted list, which is actually better in this case.
Oh, and you might like Bit Brigade.