I never quite understood the appeal of superheroes with invisible jets, honestly.
It was a different time. Being stealth was not seen as possible. Being invisible was highly sought after from the military and people’s imaginations alike. Now we have the technology to be virtually invisible on radar and it’s not seen the same.
Yeah, but in Wonder Woman’s case, you could still see her inside the plane while she was flying it. It was kind of useless. Especially since, as I already said, Wonder Woman can fly.
At least Space Ghost turned invisible along with his ship.
Wonder Woman can fly
No she can’t. Everytime you saw her flying, she was actually lying down in her aircraft.
It has systems that aid in letting her hands out in different positions and can jumps away for seconds, to let her land a blow, before coming back and catching her, during mid-air fights, to give an illusion that she can fly.
Especially when Wonder Woman can fly.
Someone forgot turning TCAS on.
I don’t get it. Can someone explain?
They both drove invisible planes and crashed against each other. Also they both have similarities in cast.
Ah, of course. I recognise wonder woman, didn’t know she had an invisible plane, though. Who’s the guy?
That would be
Best talk show in history.
“How was it working with Lassie?”
“If by ‘worked with’ you mean ‘banged up the ass’ then it was alright.”
“Whoa. You can say that? Huh. Well I, too, once banged a dog up the a-”
“How was I supposed to know we’d be fined?!”
My favorite is probably the one with the Ramones.
“We’re just a bunch of old punks.”
“Well listen here, you punks!”
guitar riffing
That guitar and opera woman sound and black and white flickering scared me as a kid
They crashed. Wonder Woman must have told him the typical excuse “I didn’t see you”.
Both had invisible space ships.
Thats what I said
*That’s /s
thanks, dude! 🤟😎👍