I think there can be a more nuanced conversation to be had about that, like say what “The smiths” were and what “Morrissey” actually seems to be. To be honest there’s not a whole lot of good art made by outward racists. None of those people will see a single dime from me but if you’re discussing in good faith i don’t necessary think it’s completely a dumb idea.
Its kinda funny how I used to see bands that had really good music and shit politics, because the political views were trendy but the music scene was very open and diverse.
Now I see musicians that suck absolute dog turds somehow squeezing themselves up and out the ass of the Billboard 100, because some douche noozle billionaire bought a million copies of their album sound unheard just to get them trending on Spotify.
Whether its “Rich men north of Richmond” or Whatever the Fuck This Is these attempts at music are comically bad. At this point, I would happily trade whatever leftist-ish club music we occasionally get as trickle down for some modern day Morrissey.
It had a catchy beat. But the lyrics were a muddled mess. Guy can’t figure out if he’s doing ABAB, AABB, ABCB, his stanzas are an absolute trainwreck and there’s some ackward repetition.
And the production? Some of the worst acoustics possible.
You just don’t like the genre
The genre of folk/country or the genre of whiny acoustic beatnik? Garth Brooks this guy ain’t and I don’t see him landing a spot in the Charlie Daniels band with that low energy strum.
Something else just came to mind because it’s late\early and i’m having a insomnia. Remember when Alabama covered Tom T Hall’s “Song of the South” and cut all the lyrics related to being in favor of socialism and and the New Deal? IDK why they felt they needed to pretend southern democrats of the 30s weren’t pretty socialist, and lost the best line of “They oughtta kill rich men till they vote like that”
So he talked some shit about useless obese fucks on welfare. Drive around any poorer rural area of Virginia or Alabama or Montana and you’ll eventually find the parts of the county or town where the meth addled idiots and useless bitches with 5 kids live in a shitty trailer or rented house with a yard full of trash subsisting on welfare and theft. Apparently it’s only ok to make fun of them if you’re a progressive votes “properly”, not someone actually from there sick of it.
Normally I wouldn’t care what person made the music I enjoy, but if they turn out to be a total bag of shit, I just can’t bring myself to enjoy the music, no matter how good it might be.
Nobody ever says this about mediocre acts that are really great people in their personal life. You’ll never hear someone say “This song is kinda mid but thats because they recorded it while working at a refugee camp!”
That’s because not much people care about art that doesn’t have wide appeal, so there’s even less of a chance of anyone making themselves that question.
sEpErAtE ThE aRtIsT fRoM tHe ArT
I think there can be a more nuanced conversation to be had about that, like say what “The smiths” were and what “Morrissey” actually seems to be. To be honest there’s not a whole lot of good art made by outward racists. None of those people will see a single dime from me but if you’re discussing in good faith i don’t necessary think it’s completely a dumb idea.
What exactly do you mean “in good faith”?
I gave you an example
Its kinda funny how I used to see bands that had really good music and shit politics, because the political views were trendy but the music scene was very open and diverse.
Now I see musicians that suck absolute dog turds somehow squeezing themselves up and out the ass of the Billboard 100, because some douche noozle billionaire bought a million copies of their album sound unheard just to get them trending on Spotify.
Whether its “Rich men north of Richmond” or Whatever the Fuck This Is these attempts at music are comically bad. At this point, I would happily trade whatever leftist-ish club music we occasionally get as trickle down for some modern day Morrissey.
“Rich men” was a catchy tune though. You just don’t like the genre or perhaps what the lyrics say
It had a catchy beat. But the lyrics were a muddled mess. Guy can’t figure out if he’s doing ABAB, AABB, ABCB, his stanzas are an absolute trainwreck and there’s some ackward repetition.
And the production? Some of the worst acoustics possible.
The genre of folk/country or the genre of whiny acoustic beatnik? Garth Brooks this guy ain’t and I don’t see him landing a spot in the Charlie Daniels band with that low energy strum.
Yeah i dunno bud, I ain’t a musician but I like what i heard. Least he sounded real, Garth is pretty phony sometimes.
He sounded like he was playing a guitar in the woods. 90% of Bandcamp has better production value.
Did pretty fucking good for a guy playing in a clearing in the woods.
Go to any bar with an open mic and you’ll find a guy just as good.
His success was entirely due to marketing. As soon as that dried up, people forgot he existed.
Guy just released an album 2 weeks ago and it’s currently 42 on the billboard charts, 97 on the UK charts
I really enjoy the tune of “Rich men”… Too bad listening to it makes me feel dirty
Something else just came to mind because it’s late\early and i’m having a insomnia. Remember when Alabama covered Tom T Hall’s “Song of the South” and cut all the lyrics related to being in favor of socialism and and the New Deal? IDK why they felt they needed to pretend southern democrats of the 30s weren’t pretty socialist, and lost the best line of “They oughtta kill rich men till they vote like that”
So he talked some shit about useless obese fucks on welfare. Drive around any poorer rural area of Virginia or Alabama or Montana and you’ll eventually find the parts of the county or town where the meth addled idiots and useless bitches with 5 kids live in a shitty trailer or rented house with a yard full of trash subsisting on welfare and theft. Apparently it’s only ok to make fun of them if you’re a progressive votes “properly”, not someone actually from there sick of it.
Normally I wouldn’t care what person made the music I enjoy, but if they turn out to be a total bag of shit, I just can’t bring myself to enjoy the music, no matter how good it might be.
the Kanye West rule
Nobody ever says this about mediocre acts that are really great people in their personal life. You’ll never hear someone say “This song is kinda mid but thats because they recorded it while working at a refugee camp!”
I dunno what you’re talking about, I see people do that all the time
People do say that, but then that does not make the song more enjoyable, to me at least.
Theres a difference between “he recorded that in a camper van, thats pretty cool” and “daamn that was recorded it a camper van”.
That’s because not much people care about art that doesn’t have wide appeal, so there’s even less of a chance of anyone making themselves that question.
Meh, I personally believe in that but I’m not going to go tell other people what to do