For real? I assumed they were tough from how chunky they were. What trash.
For real? I assumed they were tough from how chunky they were. What trash.
Civil War in the theater, at home, I just recently watched They Live, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Wizards, and X at home. I have a biweekly movie night group and we were the only ones in the theater for Beau is Afraid.
It’s a great advertisement for communism that’s for sure. They haven’t even gotten real power and it already resembles the worst of what communism offers. They’re a bunch of wannabe Ceausescu’s.
My dog died between Christmas and New Year’s 2020, the two years before I got another were the darkest I’ve had in my life. I need a pet.
King motherfucking Gordy
Having to search out codecs even, that was a big thing back in the day. My entire school was passing around videos on floppies an cds and learning about codecs to play the Pamela Anderson tape it seemed like. Years after it was on vhs I think
The first 24’ truck I learned in was a manual. Hated it but felt like a pimp shifting without the clutch.
With select fire. AR’s don’t have full auto legally.
I’m going to infringe copyright so hard.
I don’t let machines fuck with my emotions. I know what they’re doing, give an option to slap the dog.
Poop comes out of em.
When I was a teenager the local mall made it quite clear that they didn’t want teenagers in the mall. I think it just stuck for a lot of us.
Because penises are funny and vaginas are a line.
I mean, penises are just inherently funny. Look at them, they’re ridiculous.
I would buy 15 bullets and see how many fit in my head.
I read the 100 years ago today sub, 100%. Though it needs more tophat.
Oh I’m racist? Next you’re gonna tell me I am not the same age as her do not touch! Making fun of a government and leader of said government is not racism. You are beyond ridiculous, more ridiculous than the noise Xi Jinping makes when he motorboats my scrote.
If I said the shit that fart smeller says people would literally say “shut up stoner” to me.