Sure, “nice” needs some definition.
But that’s your call. I’m asking you if you are a nice person.
I think I am. I think I’m nicer than most people (cringing at myself for saying that but I can’t think of a humbler way to phrase it while still being honest).
It’s weird that most people probably think they are nice, because that’s pretty subjective. Like someone can be in the KKK but thinks he’s like a really nice dude. I think i’m nice because i would sacrifice a weekend to help a friend move for example, or do stuff for my almost elderly neighbour and so on. But no one could bring me to go to my uncle’s birthday party and socialise with his friends, and i guess that’s not very nice of me. So i don’t know.
I have a quarter to a cute homeless lady once so I’d say I’m pretty nice.
I’m a pheasant plucker.
I try to be, but don’t always hit the mark.
I’m balanced.
I’ll help you push you car. I’ll hold the door for anyone, I’ll let you in, in traffic. I’ll over-tip the wait staff, even the ones having a bad day. I give kids in my neighborhood freezypops when it’s hot AF. I’ll go out of my way to make sure your food allergy is covered and you’ll have safe snacks at my gathering.
I won’t give the guy begging on the corner money. I won’t help you forever if you never reciprocate. You skip a paycheck, I won’t wait for you to get it sorted.
I won’t remember that you hate mushrooms. I won’t remember your kids name or wife’s face. I’ll forget you birthday if it’s not in my calendar. I’ll tell you I need to focus on something for an hour and go take a nap.
We’ll get along just fine. But I will remember the kid’s face if they’re cool.
I like to think so. I put a lot of effort into trying to be someone I would want to be friends with, and there are times I slip up of course, but generally I think of myself as someone who is nice.
Nope. I actually never want to be described as nice.
Fair, though? Yes, I would like to think that I am fair.
I have some very serious mood swings. Generally, I’m pretty nice. But if I’m in a bad mood, I turn into a very rude person.
Wow, I really need therapy, don’t I?
Don’t we all.
Maybe you’re right.
Nope. I’m thinking of taking acting classes or something because I try to be nice and it doesn’t come across that way at all.
Other people seem to think so, but I am not any nicer on the outside than on the inside, not unfailingly polite and certainly get defensive sometimes.
So I am going to say yes because what’s on the outside is what I feel in the inside, and people think I am nice.
A lot of people in this thread appear to be pretty hard on themselves. There seems to be a trend of people who want to be nice, are trying to be nice, but don’t see themselves as nice. If that sounds like you, then I’ve got some good news for you:
You are a nice person.
If you’re sincerely making the effort to be a better person then that’s admirable. Self improvement is hard. Too often people are quick to judge based on the result of your actions rather than the effort that’s put into them. To put it another way, we judge people by their actions but judge ourselves by our intentions.
Treat yourself to the niceness that you’re trying to show to other people. You’re doing the best you can. You’re trying to be a nicer person which means you’re trying to grow. From tiny seedlings grow mighty oaks, and the seedling shouldn’t be shamed for starting its journey. Rather, it should be encouraged to keep growing.
If you find it difficult to be nice, but you’re trying to be a nice person, I’d say that’s a lot nicer than being the person who dismisses another for not being ‘nice’ enough.
I think so. I’m kind and caring, I have really great friends who wouldn’t be if I wasn’t also a genuinely good person.
I haven’t always been but I always tried to be. For a long time I was really chaotic and had some personal issues that made it hard for me to like actually follow through with it. But I worked on myself a lot and I continue to. I still fuck up and I’m sure there’s people who think I’m a dick. But for the most part I’m a nice, kind person
Yes, I try to be. I can’t be an asshole, I feel really bad about it. I have had to be the cruel person and the liar a handful of times, and I hate to do it. But it is what it is. I look at someone like Elon Musk as the embodiment of a “terrible person” and do the opposite of him.
I am definitely not a narcissist, I am definitely not self-centered, and I am definitely not cruel.
No. I know people who are genuinely nice, and I don’t compare to that. I am, for the most part, trying to be a very relaxed person though, and my benign apathy has sometimes been described as “nice”.
I’m nice to service workers. I am not nice to people on the freeway. Take from that what you will.