Honestly it’s so nice. I ended up buying lastname.tld so now I will always have firstname@lastname.tld even if I change provider because I can just point the domain to whatever provider I like.
Honestly it’s so nice. I ended up buying lastname.tld so now I will always have firstname@lastname.tld even if I change provider because I can just point the domain to whatever provider I like.
IKEA is therapy
Leah has said some dumb stuff but I think this particular separation from the GNU project was the correct decision. The dogmatic no blobs approach wasn’t working, it is better to reduce/minimise the binary blobs and support more devices imo. Don’t agree with their previous actions though.
Not entirely the case anymore. Libreboot switched to a blob reduction policy in order to support more hardware. Hopefully this will bring things forward quite a bit over the next year.
The hardest choices require the strongest wills
Same. I just didn’t have any use for signal after SMS removal. Yes I know SMS is insecure but I was stuck. Either you use a separate secure app and magically convince everyone else to use it whilst falling back onto a separate SMS app anyway (for those who don’t use the encrypted app). Or alternatively you just have to use a mainstream app like Google Messenger with SMS plus RCS.
At least when signal supported it I could migrate family to signal and then our communication would be encrypted and they could still message everyone else over SMS. It meant a large portion of my messages were encrypted. After SMS removal everyone I had on signal just quit so there was no one to communicate with. Trying to get people to use multiple apps was like herding cats.
It’s the one time where I am glad to have a slightly unusual name.