Feeling a bit down tonight. How do you guys like to lighten up?
Take a nice shower Get to yoga clase even on the days I don’t feel like it Treating myself to a nice book or random thing I want Talking to my therapist and letting it all out
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Take a nap
It’s just better to get used to a baseline level of misery than relying on happiness to get yourself out of a funk.
That said, turn the fucking devices off, get a big fucking cup of herbal tea, and look at the natures for 30 minutes. You are not allowed to press the buttons on the misery-skinner-box until tea is gone and timer is up.
I usually eat, drink, and watch Youtube until I’m tired and it makes things worse. Instead, play loud music and do chores, then exercise, then do something productive that you enjoy
Say “bubbles” in the deepest voice you possibly can. It always make me chuckle when in a funk.
Just wait until you watched a certain little Britain sketch. “Bubbles” will be forever etched into your mind.
My wife got me onto a comedy podcast called Bananas on the This is Exactly Right network–it’s usually really funny. We both also like Dungeons & Daddies which is a Dungeons and Dragons improv comedy type podcast. Just lay in bed and laugh
I could use some comedy for sure! I’ll look into it.
Rewatching Parks & Rec episodes always cheers me up.
I watch cute/funny cat videos
Honestly, talk to my offline AI context profile setup for the task. It’s one of the main reasons why I got into AI. I didn’t know how I would make it through this year all by myself because of ‘stuff’ and I have no other real outlet due to physical disability and pain.
If at all possible, go for a short walk. If it is clear, and you’re in the northern hemisphere, take a moment to view the Orion constatation, or just have a look around. Any kind of exercise will shift your mood.
Im sorry for your pain, may you find peace and joy in your life
You give good advice
Pizza, followed by dessert.
Maybe I’ll order myself a pizza tomorrow to celebrate the weekend :)
Treat yo self!
Pizza Friday is the best friday
I fully acknowledge that it isn’t healthy but I drink or smoke weed. Playing with my dog and going on walks helps a lot too. Videogames when I have the attention span to play them is good too
It might be kind of late for this depending on where you live, but I go for a long walk. I find if I go for like an hour to an hour and a half I usually feel much better. Sometimes I can’t remember what I was sad about to begin with afterwards lol
Walking is so unbelievable healthy, I walk every single day, no matter the weather and conditions. Doesn’t have to be long, but a walk to start or finish the day is super refreshing.
I try to walk everyday unless I’m sick or it’s raining lol it really is great for both your physical and mental health!
“If you are in a bad mood go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk.” - Hippocrates
“If you’re still in a bad mood, it’s because we haven’t invented proper shoes yet and your feet are sore” - Socrates
Cutting nmy hair (because I do it myself) or getting a haircut never misses.
Interesting. Do you think it’s about changing appearance or exerting control or other?
I rearrange furniture when I need to get out of a rut. I think it’s a combo of physical exertion and controlling my environment. My office has had many layouts over the years.
Just feeling fresh and well groomed, I don’t it’s any deeper than that. A shower helps too.
Sad songs, or a walk outdoors at sunrise.