Everytime I read stuff like this, I always remember that slide that says “A computer can never be held accountable therefore a computer must never make a management decision.”
Everytime I read stuff like this, I always remember that slide that says “A computer can never be held accountable therefore a computer must never make a management decision.”
lol no wonder Asians have trouble reproducing
I just listen to a lot of Triple J
Oh it’s not always the chest sitting experience. Back before I understood what was going on, once I had an episode where I felt my body being stretched across the room.
It sounds like your sister has sleep paralysis
My blanket on a very cold winter night
It’s funny because the Taliban too is also fighting a form of terrorism
Yeah this is the last version of Office that doesn’t nag you and your can find keys or buy generated ones off eBay if you feel guilty or worried about malicious cracks.
If you’re logged on to GitHub and go under discussions for this dev, you can just post a discussion or add to an existing thread with a similar issue.
Have you asked the Video Download helper team? I had an issue before where it wasn’t picking up a media after an update and asked them and they fixed it by the next update. They’re really good with support.
I wish there’s more Mozilla forks.
Uhh, I thought this was just a meme
It’s quite cold right now that I’m scrunched up like number 4 or 12
Parsec if you’re using it for windows
Enjoy your health and exercise. I thought I was in pain in the 20s and 30s but then it’s worse in your 40s. I wish I ate better and exercise more.
It’s opposite day everyday
I’m still coming to terms of people who don’t think visually, there are people who think in grayscale??
Not a westerner but after moving to Australia, took me a while to get used to using please. It’s not common where I’m from lol
Touchscreen in cars are so bad for safety. Buttons mean you don’t have to take your eyes off the road
This is why everytime we wanna do it we really mean it because it’s a huge sacrifice /s /jk