When i was a child, i believed autopilot really worked like in the movie Airplane, that it was an inflatable dummy.
My grandmother told me England was not part of the European continent. I got an answer wrong on a test because of that. She refused admit she was wrong even after I showed her in my text book.
England is not a part of the Eurasian continent nor a part of Continental Europe. It’s on the Isle of Great Britain, which is an island, not a continent. She refused to admit she was wrong because she was right and your textbook was wrong.
It is right there on the Eurasia map at the link you shared, and on the list of Eurasian territories, so OP was correct.
The thing is that “continental Europe” is not the same as the continent of Europe, which does include the islands. Mainland Europe is a less ambiguous name.
Yep, it’s part of the continent.
Also the Islands section of that page says this:
The largest Eurasian islands by area are Borneo, Sumatra, Honshu, Great Britain, Sulawesi, Java, Luzon, Iceland, Mindanao, Ireland, Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Sri Lanka.
(Emphasis mine.)
Common reference maps all include The British Isles in with Europe, as well as Iceland.
The wikipedia page on Europe also includes them as part of the continent.
First of all, Europe isn’t even a continent. “Europe” is a politico-cultural concept, not a geological or biogeographic one.
Okay, then the “politico-cultural concept” and common usage of the name “Europe” is of it being one of the major continents, regardless of if it’s on its own tectonic plate or not. It clearly includes the British Isles.
That is an outdated and frankly Western chauvinist usage. Europe and Asia are both on the Eurasian continent.
You can’t move those goalposts like that.
I believed a kid who told me that every 4th of July, former US presidents who were still alive - which I somehow imagined was a large group - stood in a circle around the statue of liberty and held hands singing, “He’s got the whole world in his hands.”
I thought ‘tomorrow’ was a day of the week. So when my mom would say we’d go somewhere ‘tomorrow’ I’d ask her every day if it was tomorrow yet, and she’d say no, and I’d keep waiting.
I believed that for very small creatures (like ants) time was faster.
I think that is true in a way. Since information has a shorter route to get to their brain than larger creatures, they may react slightly faster
In kindergarden, when one kid was about to hit another, the other kid would say “if you hit me, you have to pay the health insurance!”. None of us had any idea what that could mean, and I have no idea where that idea came from, but it worked, because to us, that sounded bad.
Some of my class mates thought that wrestling was real, and a few of them thought there was a place in the US where it was legally possible to kill a man during a wrestling match. They were quite offended when I told them how ridiculous that notion sounded to me.
I thought space rockets had to wait for. Ight to go into space. If they took off during the day whey would just go into the blue sky like planes do.
My dad has this long running bit, that if I needed his help on something, he needed to go to the shop to get a “round tuit”. I remember asking what store he had to go to, and how much it cost, and being annoyed at how he hadn’t gotten a round tuit yet.
He must have thought I was really committed to the bit.
my stepdad had a round tuit. you can buy them!
That all television, even live action, was just made by someone who could draw really fast.
…i thought little people lived in my parents’ radio and television who put on shows for us…
Very few cartoons are broadcast live, it’s a terrible strain on the animator’s wrists.
I thought the “Gulf War” was in fact the “GOLF War” and was happening at a golf course near our home… like … halfway to see uncle Peter!! 😅
Either I’m stupid or I’m right and relieved, but in French, I think, they’re the same words which led me to not understand why the “golf war” until quite late (early 20yo I think). I didn’t think it was about golfing or anything but… what golf are we talking about lmao?
That all adults are smokers.
I had to go to a private Christian school in third grade - not because we were religious, we were not, but because gang violence was getting serious in my town and the private school was seen as the safe option my mom decided on for a year even though we couldn’t afford it.
Again, not religious, but Christian school meant we had to go to “Chapel” every day - Sing bible songs and get the typical religious indoctrination. Anywho… In the chapel, there was a giant rectangular speaker box suspended up at the center of the ceiling. Not sure how but with all the talk of Jesus dying for your sins and everything, I became convinced that that speaker box was his coffin. I thought he was there, suspended above us, every day at Chapel in our little school
I thought that I’d die of cancer because that’s my zodiac sign and nobody could convince me otherwise.
I used to think a car direction indicator was a GPS guiding system, and not manually operated.
I used to think those coins in the fountain at the mall were just money people wanted to get rid of. One day, little me tried getting away with a skirt full of coins and got in trouble.
I mean, to be fair, a coin on the ground is fair game, and they don’t make these “unspoken rules” clear enough, so I couldn’t imagine a coin in a fountain not being free to just pick up.
That life would be better as an adult.