This is HORRIBLE news! I’m talking about the News about ONE person dying not the MILLIONS he Kills each year!
This is HORRIBLE news! I’m talking about the News about ONE person dying not the MILLIONS he Kills each year!
I’m GLAD Biden understands the SEVERITY of the Upcoming Trump Presidency and is doing EVERYTHING he can to Protect the American People and NOT just His Family!
But if we don’t let MILLIONAIRES steal HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Taxpayer Dollars how will we Have the Ability to go after SINGLE MOMS working THREE Jobs?
Agreed! It’s SAFER to just Bomb Orphanages and Schools to ENSURE those Hamas Kids die instead of using your Military Knowledge you Obviously have to find a Way to target ONLY Hamas!
Why are DEMOCRATS using such LOADED Rhetoric?
Why pay People when OBVIOUSLY they should be paying CORPORATIONS to SAY they will move in and then not! THAT’S FREEDOM! But THIS reeks of SOCIALISM!
Agreed! The Person you Responded to is NONSENSE. It’s ABSURD that the ONE Company that owns everything you need to get Started would make it Expensive for you to Start!
Chili Umami or Mayo
If only there was ONE MORE GUN at the Event someone could have Killed the Gunman before he got any Shots off!
Good! How else are we supposed to fund POLICE OFFICERS who get to PICK and CHOOSE what crimes or people to Investigate if we don’t defund School and Libraries?
As we’ve seen the past couple years companies NEVER fire people! UNLESS people are STEALING their Products!
I AGREE! Even though before Covid we also couldn’t participate in things like travel or schooling or sometimes even workout with the Right Vaccine!
But his young nieces might see his peepee LoL!
This is HORRIBLE! Now CEOS might Fear for their LIVES and in Turn make Decisions that HELP US! That’s SICK! We should let them KILL US without Consequence!