It has always been a common strategy. Aim for the extremes, and then move to your actual goal to seem reasonable and make the opposition think they won.
It has always been a common strategy. Aim for the extremes, and then move to your actual goal to seem reasonable and make the opposition think they won.
Ome thing I don’t quite like about kitchenowl is how the grocery list doesn’t really seem to allow entering amounts of stuff, which is especially annoying when you try to shop for ingredients for a recipe. Otherwise it’s a phenomenal app in terms of unifying cookbook recipes as well. The autosummaties also work quite well, it seems.
What I experienced is that Snaps/Flatpaks that contain X11 apps will behave very oddly in a Wayland sessions, at least with NVidia GPUs.
Using distros that still use X11, like Linux Mint, seems to help a lot.
One thing I will commend Snaps/Flatpak for however is bundling dependencies, especially deprecated ones. I spent DAYS trying to install an older version of .NET framework that’s no longer supported to get a game (Vintage Story), but to no avail. With the appropriate Snap/Flatpak it worked first try, well, once I found the distro that doesn’t have the X11 problem that was previously stated.
Alternatively you can also use aluminium. Snails have a natural allergy to aluminium due to a reaction happening between the metal and their slime. Therefore they will avoid aluminium at all cost.
As well as the proportions being flipped, resulting in the now iconic look. IIRC it was supposed to be a pig initially.
Are you sure that a dinosaur laid a chicken egg? Or did a chicken hatch from a dinosaur egg? When does a dinosaur end being a dinosaur and begin being a chicken anyways?
He was Austrian, BTW.
Funnily enough, some prions like those responsible for CWD will not be killed via cooking, but the infected material has to be incinerated to get rid of it.
I do get that one wants to be careful when it comes to viruses, but just outright not believing others without doing your own research is just as harmful as blindly believing in something. If you don’t have precautions against websites running malicious code (e.g. ublock origin), you’re already treading on dangerous ground regardless. Doubly so if you don’t make snapshots.
If you really want to be paranoid you can also click the link inside a USB image, or a sandbox. I would however advise doing research on winehq.org if you are running Linux, since it’s generally a good resource for running Windows apps.