I’m shocked I had to scroll this far for the first fluxbox/Enlightenment/windowmaker user
I’m shocked I had to scroll this far for the first fluxbox/Enlightenment/windowmaker user
Skype is great when your flight is delayed, and you have some remaining cash in it from 15 years ago
If you look at any of the ancient statues they don’t look black, whatever the recent propaganda tries to push. It doesn’t make any sense to put everyone in those four racial boxes - an Ethiopian looks as distinct from a South African as a Spaniard and a Swede
Does it make floppy sounds?
It depends… Are we speaking about keeping only tall blonde kids? Or aborting a fetus with 95% Down syndrome? Angelman’s? Some other even worse? Stopping a possibility fatal pregnancy? Where do you put the line?
I checked it, it’s not :)
Lots of astronomical objects have names, but somehow it’s asteroids and maybe craters that really got the naming hype, there are hundreds of them named after scientists, poets, the discoverer’s teacher, you name it. It’s a nice custom.
Disclaimer: I might be slightly biased, as I proposed my wife with naming one of them (asteroid, I mean).
These are nice, but on the other hand there’s the case where you have a limited time slot somewhere and windows randomly decides that it’s time to update, pop up a window to upload your data to “the cloud”, reboot, and bang, you’re f*cked.
Where’s enlightenment and windowmaker?
You can have a computer with multiple users, one prefers gnome, the other kde. Say, they also want to access the computer through cnc, but these are too slow for that, and one prefers windowmaker, the other enlightenment. It works just fine. You can run all these four at the same time.
I miss my E17 and windowmaker, when I had the time to fiddle with config files…
It’s like a small pitcher with a movable filter, you put in the ground coffee, hit water, stir, wait, push down the filter with the grounds, pour off the coffee with most of the ground staying in the French press.