After looking up the comic, this is 100% right wing propaganda.
Of course, you are a frequent poster to politics related posts. It figures.
You know, not everything in the world needs to be divided up into an us against
them, blue versus red, liberal versus conservative category. Politics has rotted
your brain! You can’t even let people enjoy a comic without thinking it has an agenda.
The comic is social commentary and not propaganda as you claim. And your claims are simply
opinions and not some universal law of physics facts. Fucking people nowadays! Can’t enjoy
anything without people coming at you with shit opinions and the notion that everyone thinks
like them and that every damn topic in the world needs to add politics to the conversation.
Go the fuck back to politics subs/communities!
Also, great use of the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy by posting a few comics which you think illustrate your point while ignoring the rest of the artists’ work. I posted another one by the same artist. Go make another useless, imaginary case why that one is propaganda too.