Can confirm, I am a windows user and if my laptop came with Linux preinstalled, the way it had windows preinstalled, I’d be a Linux user.
If I ever have to Google what the hell a kernel is then I have read everything else available on the internet.
Can confirm, I am a windows user and if my laptop came with Linux preinstalled, the way it had windows preinstalled, I’d be a Linux user.
If I ever have to Google what the hell a kernel is then I have read everything else available on the internet.
That sounds like a user error issue. I use windows at home and work and I also haven’t seen a blue screen in years.
They probably do that to try and get you to pick up more items then you meant to buy.
Refried beans, rice, sirachcha, and too much mayo. Sometimes I eat it with bread like a sad sack sandwich.
It’s not just teens doing. There are full grown adults being audio assholes all over the place.
Wait…the blue guy has a nose?
Isn’t it actually a precision driving technique to break with your left foot? Or isnthat just something I accidentally made up in my head?
That’s not even a swastika it’s a 45. It just really feels like it’s a swastika when you see the fanta fascist.
I had a partner once who sat straight up in bed and announced, “Somesone else is in here.” They then promptly fell back asleep…me, not so much…
Didn’t Sparta have a similar belief as far as honoring women who died in childbirth equally to men who died in battle?
The background companies we go through here in the US aren’t “random people” and you sign a release of that information for them when they start that background check. So you’ve given them permission to access that info on you. I don’t know what HRs your dealing with but if it’s random hiring managers asking you then they have no idea what’s in a typical background check anyway.
Most big background check service companies are checking your criminal history directly with the court houses of where you’ve told them you’ve lived. Many will also verify your past employment directly with those companies as well. Depending on the company/job title they may also be checking your credit score/bankruptcy history or verifying degrees with universities as well. They don’t care about what data brokers have on you because they’re getting verification on things directly from official sources.
I don’t know if you’re worried that your too “locked down” privacy wise for a background check to clear? I wouldn’t worry because if you’re using your countries equivalent of a SSN and living “on the grid” but not online at all they’ll still be able to get the info they need/want anyway. I’ve had employees who didn’t even have emails or own phones/computers clear background.
but communities know each other and are less likely to see different constituent groups as “outsiders”
Tell that to every gay kid who grew up in a small rural Christian town…
form their own peacekeepers
So you expect every marginalized group to have their own personal cops? What about cross-sectional minorities. I don’t know how this works in your head but whatever you’re trying to say here is not translating well.
Not maybe, yes. Thats what it means. “Water ditching” is a common colloquial name for an “emergency water landing” which is a type of emergency landing. A plane doing a nose dive straight into the water is not an emergency landing. That’s just a run of the mill crash.
The US forest service says it’s 90% but I’m not sure where they get that number from either.
Isn’t there literally a German fairy tale about someone able to make straw into gold?
Does it technically even need dirt? It looks like there’s some loose debris in there and plenty of plants can be grown hydroponically.
I’ve had one that used baked beans in place of the pork. It was delicious. From the examples I’ve seen the cup started from food trucks where it was more convenient to had out a cup than a plate. Now restaurants are picking up the cup thing cause it’s a “trend”.
There’s a panel from the Animaniacs comic where Wakko states that his gender is “other”. It floats around the internet ever few years. The comic was, I believe, back in the 90s so I’m not sure I’d say “now”. They have always used the term “brother” and he/him pronouns for Wakko though.
50 shades never actually makes reference to twilight. So while Stephanie Meyer could possibly sue it isn’t the same thing as directly using the exact characters and locations. Harry’s name is right in the title
Seriously the number of people on here complaining about Windows bloat. I’m not even 100% sure what the hell that’s supposed to mean. I’m a normie and my windows runs fine.