When are we getting the one where he admits to cannibalism?
Die, I suppose.
Not the same by the sound of it, my hearing is exceptional for my age and career path.
Sorry to hear your hearing has deteriorated to such a degree, I hope you’re able to tune it out/sleep through it.
I’ve been listening well above recommend levels for years, I’ve done work operating industrial machinery and my hearing tested among the best for my age. Just use hearing protection, and don’t go nuts on the volume.
Most people can’t be trusted operating a ground-dwelling vehicle, I’m fine with not having flying ones yet.
Hey wait, I resemble that remark!
The extra A is for abomination.
Poorly, I left for a reason.
I highly doubt it is, but is it still going? I miss that so much.
Yeah baby, yeah you piece of shit.
A test I constantly fail, thanks, noisy roommates.
I get where you’re coming from, however I reckon he’s doing a huge public service in this regard, imagine someone just happens to click on one of his vids and learns how scummy corpos are. That’s why I believe he should continue with these callouts, but yeah I’d like to see more actual repair stuff in future.
Just watch the first 5-10min and once you think you’ve heard something before, find something else to watch 🤷
I fucking love Louis, knows his shit, isn’t afraid to call shitfuckery out for what it is.
I genuinely can’t recall a video of his I’ve watched that hasn’t been informative, entertaining or both.
My opinion if him continues to climb, however, as instructed, if he ever uses adobe premiere for a video and I find out about it, it’s an unsub from me.
I finally let my phone do some app updates the other week, my banking app now displays full screen ads for their credit cards, conveniently right as you go to click the transfer button.
I don’t update shit anymore. I update my OS and apps on my desktop, but my phone is now being actively neglected in regards to app updates. Every single app update breaks something, removes a feature, or brings ads into the picture.
A multitude of fuckups.
Need leaf