Windows partition?
Imagine dual booting Windows lol
Yes it is a thing when you are sick of your old partition, dat(a)ing trying a fresh start but are in sort of a Stockholm Syndrome.
top 5 best things I’ve done in the last year
I think that refers to windows that have multiple panes of glass that are separated, like
Right? And also having a straight up eight way because I can’t stop putting Linux on stuff
Needed for VR games unfortunately
Have you tried using Proton? Worked out quite well for me so far. Check
SteamVR is unstable on Linux even before you get to trying to launch a game. It’s glitchy and frame rates are worse than on Windows even when you get it working, even for Linux native games.
And I’m using the Valve Index which is the best case scenario headset anyway.
Unfortunate for you, I’m using also the Index and seems I’m lucky with SteamVR, Proton and an NVIDIA card.
Totally different drive that needs to use the bios boot selector.
I saw this and thought “Ha! No I don’t!” Then I thought about it for a second and had to check
Turns out I do, in fact, have a Windows partition. Haven’t used it in years, so I know what I’m doing today
Deleting it is so cathartic!
I was gonna say, I haven’t used Windows in years.
I’ve built two computers now that have never run Windows.
I boot windows once or twice a year so that I know what people are talking about regarding the latest version of the interface. I haven’t actually found a use for it in ages.
Well, windows keeps trying to change me.
Linux makes me want to change.
Everytime I want to do something that I can only do in windows, I really have to consider if it’s worth dealing with windows to do it.
I just switched to using a vm for that. If windows fucks up or acts up, freezes, literally anything not to my liking I nuke it.
Both get as much time because I’m tired of trying to fix shit in Linux in order to play games.
Linux corrupted. Windows update failed and crashed. GRUB has a fatal error.
My computer is dead.
Linux corrupted. Windows update failed and crashed. 🍂 My computer died. 🍂
Cat no banana.
bold of you too assume I still have one
Every time I think about my Windows installation I think about AHK and get a little sad. It’s the only software I regret leaving. But then I remember my comfy i3 config, and get over it.
It’s largely going to depend on your window manager or compositor,
But you can achieve similar results using python and your WM’s hotkey options
Kde plasma has really good hotkey options
Exactly, what can AHK do that a generic plasma shortcut plus a script in your language of choice couldn’t?
Genuine question, I haven’t looked at AHK in years
Lol, that virtual machine partition looking at the camera like it knows what’s going on …
I dual Boot… Gentoo and Arch btw
My man
If I’m being honest, it’s currently the opposite because of PVE Tarkov and the Hunt : Showdown update
Hunt works perfectly fine on Linux, played a few rounds yesterday.
Tarkov still does not.
Ooooh nice, I thought that Easy Anticheat would prevent that
Isn’t EAC the only one providing a Proton plug-in?
I think so, but most devs don’t enable it. I read somewhere else on Lemmy that it was actually enabled before the 1896 update and that they disabled it so I didn’t even try, but I guess I was just tired as fuck (very real possibility lately) OR someone was spreading misinformation on the Internet
Probably misinformation. I didn’t think Proton was even around in 1896!
You actually reminded me I have a Windows 100Go partition. I reduced its size but really, based on when I last boot on it, I should really delete it.
Imagine even having a Windows partition.
I had a Windows partition. Windows threw a fit and broke the filesystems during an update, so I killed it. I don’t know if there’s a good meme format for that situation…
ROFL Dual booting with Microsoft being as shitty as they are…Yeah, no. I very much am 100% committed to Linux on my Desktop. I might only make a small concession to getting a Mac Mini for iPhone management.
As someone with an iPhone, I forgot iTunes and related utilities were still a thing.
They’re gradually phasing out the iTunes PC App…Apple has divided the functions of iTunes into several focused apps. The second reason why I’d love to get a Mac Mini is to get my music redownloaded. I didn’t back up my tunes on another hard drive, which was a beginner mistake. I did upload it to Apple Music, though.