I looked it up. It’s called a bilateral turbinate reduction. They don’t burn anything, but they cut and scrape and shave down the turbinates in the nasal cavity.
I looked it up. It’s called a bilateral turbinate reduction. They don’t burn anything, but they cut and scrape and shave down the turbinates in the nasal cavity.
The gauze packing sounds like surgery for sinusitis, not a deviated septum. My brother had that done like 20 years ago and he still talks about having trauma from the pain of having it all removed.
Apparently it is borderline torture, and medical practice and technology has advanced to where nobody should be doing that anymore.
Imo it’s probably one of the best things I’ve ever done for my body that wasn’t diet/exercise related. It was annoying and uncomfortable and being on downers always makes me a wreck, but once that fog cleared and my stents came out, I slept infinitely better, the orbital bones below my eye sockets aren’t constantly sore, I don’t take a constant stream of OTC allergy/sinus meds, and now, when I do take meds (very seldom - I think there were two days in the last year and a half that my post nasal drip needed help) they actually work.
I also had the procedure where they burn away a bit of the insides of your sinuses if they’re too swollen. I don’t remember what it’s called anymore.
Omg going into surgery my doctor told me I wouldn’t need them so it was quite a surprise when they came out!
And yeah, it was hella weird. But I had probably the best sleep ever that night.
I read somewhere on Reddit or somewhere way back when about The nasal cycle where one nostril sort of constricting (just due to blood flow and normal sinus congestion) allows for optimal air flow and moisture in our nostrils.
The poster also said that if this regular nasal cycle resulted in being unable to breathe on one side, consistently, you have a deviated septum. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, but I 100% had a deviated septum.
I definitely use more than I need. #Privileged
I look really young. Like I’m 40 but routinely pass for early 20s or even late teens if I do my makeup with that aim.
I get carded buying alcohol a lot. I hated it until I was about 27, and it really started to make me feel great! Especially once my gray hair started growing in (I dye it regularly so nobody really sees them, but I know they’re there). If all you’re trying to do is guess how old I am from how I look, I will love your answer.
But people often judge my experience or expertise as if I am only as old as I look when I am really twice that age. I hate when people assume I’m the office assistant or new hire when I’m the Assistant Director. I had physical therapy for several months due to a chronic shoulder injury, and the old ladies there loved to tell (not ask) me that physical therapy must be so easy for me as if my joints aren’t fucked and my pain and effort aren’t real. Still pisses me off so much.
And don’t get me started on the creepy old guys who see legal jail bait…eugh.
Traffic Jam.
It’s got a bunch of different berries and rhubarb sometimes. Slovacacek’s on I35 outside Waco makes the best.
Yeah, those are all pasta. Spaghetti is all the long noodles.
I found out a few Christmases ago that I really love gingerbread houses. I used to build scale models in grad school and got really into it. Gingerbread houses are like that but without grades or measuring. My weekend plans are to order trash pizza, put on Home Alone, drink some weed sodas, and decorate gingerbread houses til I’m too stoned to hold a piping bag.
I also love that it is cold and I can snuggle my husband to suck up his warmth and make him yell when I touch him with my cold toes. 😈