I’m going to make the acceptable answers broad so jam, preserves, etc are all acceptable. I’m a fig jam or apple butter man myself.
If I could, I’d use a different kind each time! Jelly/jam/preserves/etc is so good. Last year, for the first time, we had just enough aronia berries to make a teeny bit of jam, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since lol. So I’d say that would be my go-to for PB&Js if I had any.
Anything but grape. Apricot is a favorite.
I don’t use jelly, because as an Australian, jelly means something very different to me. Jelly on a sandwich is… just no…
Do you guys even eat peanut butter sandwiches?
Absolutely! And some of us are weird enough to eat them with jam! But no one eats them with jelly
Do you eat them with vegemite?
No comment
Now I’m interested to try vegemite, on pumpernickel rye toast with crunchy peanut butter and blackberry or raspberry jam, or cherry preserves.
Please report back once you’ve tried it.
Well, assuming you survive…
Raspberry jam
Strawberry preserves here!
I don’t love strawberry jam, but on pb&j it’s the best.
Orange marmalade is my go-to. There’s a polish deli nearby that sells a kiwi and gooseberry jam that is my 2nd. Kiwis don’t grow in Poland as far as I know, but they make a good jam from it.
Elderberry jam. It’s like a sour grape, kinda winey. Delicious!
Traffic Jam.
It’s got a bunch of different berries and rhubarb sometimes. Slovacacek’s on I35 outside Waco makes the best.
Guava jam
Blackberry jam is my go-to
blackberry jam is actually the best for pbj
I have never heard of it before, but I’m going to make consuming some a new life goal.
If I could only get past choking-the-bishop…
My mom’s homemade strawberry jam
mine is also my mom’s homemade strawberry jam, though her peach jam is a close second
My man, raspberry jam is where it"s at. Perfect sweet/tart to PB ratio. No other spread has beaten it yet.
preserves >> jam
What’s the difference?
I’m pretty sure preserves have actual chunks of fruit and jam is made from puree. Jelly is just made from fruit juice.
TIL thanks.
Happy to see I’m not the only one who prefers raspberry jam! Imo it’s truly the perfect pairing
B-B-But, where are the toothpicks?
I like using a forest berry jam mix of Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Cranberries, and Strawberries.
It’s currently my favorite, but when I was a kid I liked strawberry preserves.
The poor quality joke aside, it varies.
My favorites are apple, grape, and plum, in that order.
Strawberry, that’s something I have to be in the right mood for because I’m very picky about strawberries in general, and none of the major brands get strawberry jellies/jams/preserves right for my preferences.
I actively dislike most berries with peanut butter, regardless of how they’re preserved. So blueberry, blackberry, and the like just aren’t an option. I’d have them by themselves on a nice biscuit, some toast, or whatever. The flavors just don’t mesh with PB well, imo.
I’ve never had a marmalade that went well with PB at all. My dad loves orange marmalade with his though.
I’ve had guava , mango, and (iirc) papaya jams/preserves, and tried them on a PB&J. I didn’t dislike the flavor mixes, but I wouldn’t buy them with that in mind because I didn’t particularly enjoy it either. Kinda meh, imo.
I’ve never tried a pb&j with pepper, tomato, or bacon jelly. I’m not against trying them, I would do so, though not as a whole sandwich since I suspect I would actively dislike those with PB. But I’d put some on a corner of bread with some PB and try it before I formed a final opinion for my own use.
Now, there is another jelly I’ve tried with the pb&j. But it’s absurdly expensive to get where I live, and I have to special order it. So I wouldn’t make a PB&J with it again, since I very much love it in other formats. Prickly Pear. The stuff is amazing. The syrup is balls out on anything you’d use syrup on, and the jelly is the same flavor, just jellied. It’s a very distinct amd delightful taste. And it went well with PB. But the expense is such that I would reserve it for uses where it’s the star, rather than part of an ensemble.
And, yes, I’m aware I’m a wee bit over enthusiastic about a PB&J. They’re on my list of “perfect” sandwiches. The fact that they’re a highly variable sandwich group rather than a more limited thing is part of why the format is on the list alongside very defined sandwiches like reubens, but even if you limited the PB&J to a single jelly type, PB type, and limited the bread options, it would still be on the list.
This guy OCDs about PBJs.
Seems like PB&Js are your jam.
You sure are a pb&jelly connoiseur! I like your comments about the different kinds of jellies, jam, etc. I have never tried prickly pear but it sounds delicious. My personal favorite is passion fruit jam but I also like red currant jelly.