I think this comment made me vegan
I think this comment made me vegan
I think they could conceivably tie in Thrawn with the efforts to clone the Emperor with the ST’s interpretation of him coming back still. It was hinted in Mando already and I could see Thrawn being emboldened by the Emperor’s return to start planning for the First Order or the dark fleet.
Firecracker for ease, Tweety to please.
Uhh I don’t care who doesn’t pay for YTP or just blocks them, seems like an odd thing to care about?
I do have grandfathered $7/mo GPM (YTM) which comes with free YTP and I’ve yet to see ads at all. I don’t even get ads on my linked gaming YT account. This kinda seems like misinformation?
If you think paying $10+ for Spotify instead of $7 YTM+YTP then yes, you are a fucking idiot.
Fall is BIS. Crisp air. Less people outside. The tree colors make happy chemicals in my brain.
Lmao these guys minmaxing not getting laid
Lmao true, but for cable news it’s the only one left that’s remotely factual.
Morning Joe is unprofessional trash and always has been. I literally only watch CNN for the few hours it’s on before switching back to MSNBC. The rest of their scheduling is pretty much the only good cable news left. I feel for people like Rachel Madow, Ari Melber, and Lawrence O’Donnell who are going to have to singlehandedly carry the load of the only progressive voices in news left.
It’s the same, just with extra volcanos.
Oh yeah, on Android hold down the ? button, it’s right there.
If you like FFT check out Triangle Strategy. From the same Square studio that’s been doing these HD2D remakes. It has a lot of the same vibes but with some modern stat and environmental complexities.
They’ve been doing really great work. Their Dragon Quest III comes out next week with DQI+II next year. The president of Square hinted their next project is an HD2D Chrono Trigger. Which, needless to say, would be huge.
Oh there’s plenty of Christian nationalist men thinking about “divine dick”
Beware the floating X , you don’t want to missclick what you’re killing lmao
Wasn’t there some company that was recreating boxes for games? Could’ve swore I saw one.
Man’s just flexin that Hallmark+ premium sub with free cards on her. She’ll lock him down if she’s smart.
Would you ride me? I’d ride me.
Uhh am I crazy or did like every game I play go straight into where I last played (not checkpoint, not menu) with the feature? Non 1st party too. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention, but I do feel like games like Star Wars Survivor and FFXVI just went straight back to whatever random place I was in the game.
That’s an incredibly stupid idea to drop that feature. The video in the article says no one used this but uhhhhhhh anyone playing a PS5 game would be using it no? They may not realize it but wow losing it kinda really sucks.
I always thought he licked the table for some reason
Such a fantastic movie. This scene is top 3 shooting scenes too. They did it in downtown LA on location and reverb off the buildings is visceral.