The tumblr:
The artist:
This is my favourite response to this “your body my choice” thing:
I have heard people say that good times create weak men, and looking at how the alt right have risen and how much “alpha males” are concerned about their masculinity, I would have to say that we have had some great times.
Also, I would never consider myself an alpha male, that is far too unstable, at best I am probably a decent release candidate, good enough to be sent to production, but needing a few patches to get a few bugs worked out.
Ese, what???
Programmer humour in the wrong community
Sorry, but yeah, some programming humor, though it seems to fit.
Alpha - the first working versions of a software, used to verify concepts, but is often very unstable, and outright broken in places
Beta - mostly working version, core is stable, but some features are still buggy.
Release candidate - works well enough that it could be the release version of a software, all specified features are in place, it is polished and the team working on it is focused on testing it to make sure it is ready.
I was rather drunk and apparently only read half your comment, lmao
Thanks for the explanation anyway!
Does stability reflect it’s likelihood to crash, or it’s frequency of updates in this analogy.
Also is the pickup line “I got a rolling release personally” good?
glances at Windows 11
I love the funny pages.
I thought “Your body my choice” was sarcastic satire. Is it really a thing they’re actually saying?
Holy shit, I didn’t really vibe with the comic, as it seemed to me like she was rebutting to what she heard when someone says they’re pro life, not something that anyone would actually say. We’re actually living in a parody of reality.
Believe it’s from the neo nazi nick fuentes
Whose address just got doxxed:
Post deleted
Of course. From now on I’ll only link screenshots of tweets. I’m already downloading videos from there. Thanks for the hint.
So far the only people I have seen are open neonazis, so I don’t take their words very seriously.
Why not? Their leader just got elected President if the US, if that’s not cause to take them seriously then what is?
Now do the version of this comic that calls out all the women that voted to take that choice away from themselves and others.
It is pathetic. I lost my damn legs as a single father in my mid 30s. I was worried I would no longer be able to successfully date at all. I dated just fine and eventually met my wife. Turns out that treating women as fully independent human people worthy of the same respect I wanted goes a long way. If you’re an alt right chud who can’t get laid, it’s not your looks. Take it from a half man; It’s who you are and how you see women.
Im not a native English speaker and I thought “lost my legs” was an idome of some sort, especially because you wrote it in the same sentence as beeing a single father.
But no. You lost your legs. Litarly.
In regards to the rest of your post, absolutely 100 % on your side. I met my wife 2 years ago and it is the most beautiful relationship I ever had, mainly because we treat each other with the same amount of respect.
Of all the women I know who date men I can’t think of a single one I would enjoy spending time with that would prefer dating a misogynist over an amputee single father. And that includes hikers and women who don’t want kids. Hell I’m pretty sure some friends of mine would be impressed by a guy managing to raise a kid without legs or a partner.
At least your dating profile doesn’t falsely say you’re 6 feet tall.
Unless it does and you use it as a setup to a joke about losing two feet. In which case, good on you sir.
Oddly enough, on official paperwork that asks for height, I have to put what I used to be. That was 6’1. Hasn’t been true for a decade, but when I question it, I get a shoulder shrug in response. My dating profile clearly stated how I’m disabled. My ID says I’m 6’1. That’s bureaucracy for you.
no one is saying this, are they?
Pretty sure no one’s saying this unironically. Still pretty freaking stupid though.
The phrase “your body, my choice” appears to have made its way offline, specifically into schools. Young girls and parents have used social media to share instances of offline harassment. They include the phrase being directed at them within schools or chanted by young boys in classes.
On Facebook, the phrase “your body, my choice” is currently trending, with 52,000 posts in the last 24 hours. One parent stated: “Today my daughter was told three separate times on campus ‘your body, MY choice.’ The third group of boys told her to ‘sleep with one eye open tonight.’”
Sounds like incels in larval form. Sad.
Sad for observers, absolutely terrifying for potential victims.
It’s fascists. They’ve been actively recruiting boys on social media for a while and promoting extreme misogyny. The goal is to create an environment in which women can be forced against our will to be their wives. They’re recruiting them for the Christian version of Iran
That’s depressing.
I’ve got no doubt a handful of trolls have been saying it, but nobody who holds any real power.
Just a group of people lying to themselves about why nobody likes or supports them.
Those who hold power have already said it with their abortion bans with no exemptions in case of rape.
Nobody has been using it as a slogan, genius.
The phrase “your body, my choice” appears to have made its way offline, specifically into schools. Young girls and parents have used social media to share instances of offline harassment. They include the phrase being directed at them within schools or chanted by young boys in classes.
On Facebook, the phrase “your body, my choice” is currently trending, with 52,000 posts in the last 24 hours. One parent stated: “Today my daughter was told three separate times on campus ‘your body, MY choice.’ The third group of boys told her to ‘sleep with one eye open tonight.’”
So, a handful of little shits at a school, use it, and it’s official?
Is a 52k trending post not sufficient to qualify as a slogan? That’s more pull than most marketing campaigns actually achieve.
If anything, little (and not so little, the incidents are being reported on campus) shits using it is worse, because it’s a pretty good reflection of where the next generation is headed.
There should be a narcissist’s prayer for people who bury their heads in the sand.
That didn’t happen
And if it did, it’s contained online
And if it isn’t, it’s not popular
And if it is, you can ignore it
And if you can’t, ¯\(ツ)/¯
Why is it so important to you to be right about this?
Supposedly it was coined by some right wing influencer and went viral
So it started with someone saying it seriously? Ick.
I assume it’s ultimately serious (they want to drop the pretense that it’s about the value of the life of a fetus) but a use of irony poisoning on some level. Some real zero self awareness assholes regardless.
Actions speak louder. But at least it’s not overt marketing yet.
Why are you insisting so hard on this not being really a thing? As if ignoring this kind of stuff EVER lead to any kind of improvement oO
It’s a third post about that I’m seeing today. I guess another trend is coming.
Fediverse is hardly keeping up. It’s already a trend. That’s why I’m still on X (and I hate to do that), where all of it is shown in realtime. There are already elementary school boys spouting that stuff to their female classmates. Read a tweet from a teacher who cheered a girl that snapped and knocked a boy out after he said it.
Yes, people are saying this.
Content warning: This article contains offensive and obscene language.
Jesus McFucking Christ. We’re all cooked, all around the world.
But responding with ridicule is weak, too. That shit needs direct force. If someone tries to apply that to you, you apply it right back, with a gun.
Ok. So on the one hand, people want to tell women they’re forced to have babies.
On the other hand people want to tell that first hand to fuck off.
So I have a solution. If they want to force women to have a baby, then that woman gets to choose if a man who voted against abortion gets his testicles forcibly chopped off.
It’s not a win/win, it’s more like a lose/lose. But we haven’t had any nukes dropped since the MAD doctrine went into effect.
So, if a woman wants to have an abortion, they’ll call a man who voted against abortion. If he still says no, the woman has to have the baby, and the mans testles are copped off. Not even like a seditive, and sterile process. They instead take the man to the woman as she’s giving birth, and she’s given a meat cleaver. His balls are presented on a cutting board, and as she’s in as much pain as childbirth brings, that’s when she’s allowed free reign to chop, and stab, and go nuts on his nuts.
Or he could just say “let her have an abortion”, and avoid the whole scene.
It’s not a win/win, but it’s an even trade.
Chopped off? Ew.
Smash them with a fucking sledgehammer instead. Make it fucking painful.
Your mistake here is you’re assuming they want to give women an opportunity for even trade
…stop being right. I hadn’t considered that these are the same people who don’t mind being a hypocrite.
Is “your body, my choice” something people are actually saying in all seriousness?
The stupid ones are. Why make an effort to woo a woman when you can be a fucking rapist.
“My body, my choice” was the original slogan, in the context of preventing childbirth.
Then there came vaccine mandates. People who preferred not to get vaccinated also used the slogan “my body, my choice”. When the mandates continued, it moved to “my body, your choice”.
Now we’ve reached 360, with “your body, my choice”. It’s very rare though.
Nick Fuentes, the white nationalist podcaster known for his long history of antisemitic and misogynistic remarks, wrote on X/Twitter as Trump’s victory emerged: “Your body, my choice. Forever.”
The phrase has gained fast popularity on TikTok, where numerous women have been told their bodies no longer belong to them following the presidential election result.
I have never seen anybody use that phrase in seriousness. Some weirdo said it in a place none of use ever go? That’s pretty thin.
Yeah, this obscure quote from an obscure person seems more like a good tool being used by the left to try and paint all of the right as sharing a similar perspective.
It’s not that you share a similar perspective. It’s that you’re on the same side as this asshole (and the Russians, and the KKK, etc) and aren’t questioning why.
We know that not all of you are like this. But the problem is that some of you are, and you seem to be okay with it.
You’ll note that you didn’t denounce this person, and only clutched your pearls and blamed the left.
You’ll note that you didn’t denounce him either.
“this asshole”
Oh look, your statement was false.
Pretty sure a school yard insult doesn’t constitute a denouncement. Or perhaps you actually mean virtue signal.
You sure do keep showing up at a lot of socmed sites and acting like a Nazi-assed bootlicking asshole, Jake
I once heard a liberal say that he likes to eat babies. So liberals are monsters.
These fools will jack it to anything.
Does the baby eater have 400,000 followers?
Some weirdo said it in a place none of us ever go?
Might want to Google Fuentes. He’s a depressingly influential right wing figure.
Also Twitter continues to be one of the latest social media companies in the world.
And yet I have never read any of his stuff. Not a thing. So whatever.
“i closed my eyes so the problem doesn’t exist teehee”
Lol, this is the internet equivalent of a toddler thinking if they can’t see you, they are hidden.
You haven’t seen something that’s only been trending for 5 days? Shocker.
Do you spend a lot of time around highschool boys and edge lords? That’s how you’d come across it.
Yeah but these edgelords and high school boys eventually become adults, and perpetuate the same behavior, continuing the circle of hate and bigotry.
Unfortunately yes. This past Wednesday a friend was at a coffee shop and a dude in his 40s walked up to her out of the blue and told her “your body, my choice” and she’s like “I have a gun in my purse” (that might have actually been true, I didn’t think to ask).
What kind of world do we live in
Nazis do this “you think that was a shitty thing to say? Hold my beer, I’ll show you a shitty thing to say!” thing.
Like a “who can tell the most fucked up joke” contest, but minus the fun. And minus the joking. And sometimes they turn into plans, which is real bad.
They want to be a super cool badass villain who’s meanness is just awesomeness that you can’t handle because you’re not a big enough dick (or “awesome enough”). It’s nothing more small dick energy on crack. The harder they do it, the more those with eyes to see just see a snivelling, whiny little boy. The bigger they puff, the smaller they look.
It can still get people killed, just not in a “because they’re so cool” kind of way.
This whole cycle has been nothing but dudes who are not secure in themselves showing it off wildly. Come to think of it, the last decade.
Fuck dudes are really screwed up right now. And I’m saying that as one of them. Guys, it’s okay to just be chill
Back when the COVID vaccine was new it was reasonably common to hear my body my choice in this context
Online? Yes.
In person to friends while chest bumping and hooting? Yes.
In person to a woman they don’t know in all seriousness, and not just to antagonize? I sure hope not.
It happened to a friend of mine this week, in person. I do feel like it was to antagonize, but it was a real thing a stranger said to another stranger.
They are too cowardly abd scared to do it in person. There was just an issue this last week where middle and high school students got anonymous text messages saying “Your body, my choice”.
Gutless asshats.
Nick funtes came up with it to make fun of people who were saying my body my choice. Its essentially trolling.
At the center of the joke is men celebrating that they get to decide what’s allowed with a woman’s body, just like it had been in the past.
Some dumb kids are using the line out of context and it makes it sounds like they want to rape people, so the news made a story of it.
This is not trolling it is a rape threat. You’re a fucking idiot apologist.
Lmao these guys minmaxing not getting laid
Unfortunately yes. I doubt most of those saying it really think about the ramifications of such a despicable phrase. But some know damn well it’s an incentive to rape and yet keep saying it. Those people need to be watched closely. Anyway, it’s a sign of how deranged our nation has become.
Who? Where? Link us up?
You are reaching far for your outrage. Did you run out of it at home?
It’s easy to laugh at the right-wingers, but the truth is that this is the way power is measured by the patriarchy - control over other people’s bodies.
It doesn’t matter if this power is obtained through the use of laws, money or physical violence (it’s usually a combination of all three) - it’s the power that matters, and the patriarchy doesn’t care how it makes you look to the people you have that power over.
Ah yes but you’re forgetting the power of a brick.
Except this isn’t how it would go because he would talk over her after the first 3 words.
What does that phrase even mean
It’s a reverse of “my body, my choice” (as in "I do whatever I want with my body, including abortions etc.) that is meant to demonstrate the position of right-wingers who want to take that away.
I don’t think any of right-wingers themselves used that kind of phrasing. But I can be wrong.
Apparently they did, being emboldened by the election results:
My daughter is in high school and has reported an increase in precisely this kind of thing at her school.
“Wanna hear a joke? Women’s rights…hurdeehur…”
Another anecdote to add (may as well leave it with your daughter’s). Since Wednesday I’ve been catcalled 4 times, just out getting groceries, doing errands. I’m a woman in my late 40s in Canada who hasn’t been catcalled in that specifically threatening nasty way since my early 30s. And it’s ALL been from rabid-looking white guys. They’ve obviously been given a very clear go-ahead with Trump’s win.
I hate my gender so fucking much. I don’t even agree with that sentiment. But I feel like that attitude it’s just a part of me because of my gender.