Cows are fully mature at around 24 months old, depending on breed.
They do not have an extended developmental period like humans so the comparison to a 6 year old human based on maximum lifespan is fallacious.
Cows are fully mature at around 24 months old, depending on breed.
They do not have an extended developmental period like humans so the comparison to a 6 year old human based on maximum lifespan is fallacious.
Between your immediate downvotes and the tone of your message your response is unnecessarily long and rude
Firstly you could read user names before going off, I was simply asking a question that Im unwilling to buy the game to answer.
I haven’t played or watched Balataro but from the description on steam
You’re going to need every edge you can get in order to reach the boss blind, beat the final ante and secure victory.
Unless ante here is referring to something else it seems it does have them?
Like most fandom types gamers who make gaming their whole identity are prone to over reaction.
You just need to look at the insanity of the pro-shipping vs anti-shipping fandom ‘wars’ for another example lol
My response was all in good fun ;)
As a gamer, fuck you, funkos are for freaks who watch tv and have a Live. Laugh. Love. Doormat.
Robbers are committing violent crime mostly against the working class.
Cops should go after both robbers and robber barons.
Nope, I only know because my cities water supply was switched one day and our tap water went from the being like the finest spring water to a muddy puddle.
I contacted the water supplier and found out Im a mutant… and that you can mostly fix it by boiling the water.
I think it’s understandable that you want something to taste nice, especially if others seem to enjoy it and you feel like you’re missing out.
If you want to know ‘why’ it tastes like soap it is literally genetics. You have a mutation to your taste buds!
I also have a fun one, I can taste Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol, which most people can’t. I can taste it in quantities as low as 10 parts per trillion.
It is a shitty superpower because it makes water that is perfectly clean and safe to drink taste like mud.
Studies show that cricket protein powder contains about 65.5% protein and adult crickets provide 13.2–20.3 grams of protein per 100-gram serving
Also some crickets (not all) are complete sources of protein, and they are gluten free depending on preparation.
You’re sounding awfully judgemental for a mutant!
some people actually prefer to stay on government subsidies like SNAP, and HEAP.
Said like a real chump.
Earning more is always better.
There is a bit of a difference between how EVE handles RMT (legit) and how Star Citizen is meant to handle purchased ships going forward.
You really aren’t ever meant to permanently lose a ship you pledged for in Star Citizen.
Also SC is still in development hell which is very unfortunate. They’re reworking the flight model yet again and their plans for capital ship combat are a complete mess.
While Im not confident in Star Citizen ever releasing it has sparked a lot of interest in the space sim genre which was absolutely dead prior to the SC kickstarter.
Disclaimer: I have multiple 100mil+ SP characters in EVE and have spent a couple thousand on Star Citizen, which is still much less than Ive spent on EVE.
I nominate sharks, which evolved over 400 million years ago, before trees existed.
I have it on good authority that if you don’t Wii for too long you die.
Forcing password changes too frequently is actually a security risk, as it encourages bad practices like re-use, iteration, keyboard walks and writing the passwords down.
There are reasonable limits to impose on this, and educating users with demonstrations such as haveibeenpwned have been highly effective in my experience.
Most countries have less violent racism now than at any other point in history.
This is simply not correct, cows are slaughtered at adulthood because they also require time to fully grow and maximise the amount of meat.
Cows reach adulthood relatively quickly. You still seem to be measuring a cows adulthood comparative to a human lifespan which I have already pointed out is useless.