At least Menards offers a truck you can rent temporarily to transport your large items home.
At least Menards offers a truck you can rent temporarily to transport your large items home.
You know, the Pontiac Aztec doesn’t seem so bad now
Juggalos and juggalettes?
The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks
No, I suspect the mailman would be driving instead
And zero sidewalks… You may be lucky and have a gutter or shoulder to walk on, but mostly you’ll walk on the street itself.
If you do find sidewalks, either people will be using them for parking, let vegetation grow over them, or are so broken up that if you were to walk on them you would break your ankles.
This is my town, at least. I live close to work and could easily walk that, but the town doesn’t care about their sidewalks and it is a bit of a dangerous walk. So, I just drive.
Were they using cryptocurrency? Maybe that’s how they thought they could get away with it. The article doesn’t say
Don’t forget to put the cyber truck in car wash mode first
I’m 1983 and I barely remember anything from the 80s aside from kindergarten
I guess you could say I was bootstrapped in the 80s and formed in the 90s
What are the distros that would align with these categories?
Cool, more free stuff:
Not again!
Ooh, only Ubuntu pro:
Did it go away and they brought it back? I haven’t been to Subway for a while.
I loved this skit! Also, it’s clear Heidi Gardner must have not seen them in costume until the live performance. She lost it and that would have happened to me too if I was in her shoes!
Thankfully that will never be a problem I’ll have to worry about
The most well-intentioned HOAs can easily go to shit when power-tripping assholes, with all the free time in the world, take them over.
Yeah, I don’t even get mad at them any more. They are hardcore survivors and proliferators, and will have a welcome haven in my lawn to piss off dick neighbors like in the post
Omitting the dot removes Canadian French too