Maybe the joke is not to judge a book by its cover? Or that it’s nice to go to safe events where bad people are harassed until they leave?
Maybe the joke is not to judge a book by its cover? Or that it’s nice to go to safe events where bad people are harassed until they leave?
One of my all time favorites. This looks like a real remaster rather than SS1’s remake. Either way looking forward to revisiting the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker.
Well I watched and enjoyed 2001 A Space Odyssey, so I don’t think that’s the issue ;)
Well to each their own. Those are the parts I felt were the weakest. The “political power plays” didn’t feel impactful at all, lots of dialog about nothing, reminiscent of the prequels. But I agree if there’s one thing that could’ve made it worse it’s Andor finding a light saber and realizing he was a Skywalker all along.
I think everyone else feels that “not amazing” means I hated it. This is exactly it, it’s an ok show. 7/10 seems very fair.
Feel like Andor gets overrated due to how terrible most of the other Star Wars stuff is. It wasn’t bad but man it was slow at times.
Because it’s a simplistic blanket statement about a very complex issue. You think you can take a single factor “kids = stress” and that’s that?
Sounds like a kind of crazy blanket statement for actual researchers to make but then again sociology research… well…
Corporations are not allies. They never will be.
That and it’s more convenient scapegoating of “those dang foreigners”.
I think the point is not so much that the US should be giving more, but that Trump’s constant complaining the the world owes the US and that the US is the only country so overburdened by spending on foreign aid is bullshit.
Also, I don’t think per capita expenditures automatically increase for smaller populations.
Do you think a large majority of Trump voters (not the vocal, terminally online ones) are actively hoping for an end to democracy? No, they’re just misled by someone who pretends to be on their side. And to turn the tide we need them back on our side. You think they’re going to be convinced by us shouting “fascist” at them? Obviously not. So what’s your plan to control the narrative?
Trump has a plan. Unlike the tone deaf democrats who even now don’t seem to be able to present a message that normal people are interested in. They’re seen mostly as defenders of the status quo. The status quo that forces folks to work 3 jobs to make rent, then Trump comes along and shouts “death to the status quo”. Just repeatedly shouting back “Trump is evil” isn’t going to cut it.
Well… I’ll allow a sharp rock but only hand chipped.
Can’t stomach McFarlane unfortunately. I’m told it gets better later on but his sense of humor is just like nails on a chalkboard to me. Couldn’t get myself to finish the first season.
I’d support a “you can eat all the meat you can catch and kill with your bare hands” diet.
Say what you want about TOS, it’s campy and silly but it’s not boring.
That’s fair, the cartoon is apparently not bad, just not my cup of tea.
I don’t know about woke but I liked Trek before it got boring and poorly written -_-
That was my thought in the first two panels but the last two seem to reverse that. But hell I probably already put way more thought into it than I needed to already.