I just find the powers to be incredibly boring, except for Mr Fantastic, whose power is instead ridiculous and impossible to take seriously.
I just find the powers to be incredibly boring, except for Mr Fantastic, whose power is instead ridiculous and impossible to take seriously.
If you bought this you are a fucking moron.
I agree with you completely about the first two. I actually reviewed the third.
The first two are great. The latest one is shite.
You haven’t played Mirage, have you?
These pathetic conspiracy theories should’ve died out in the 90s.
I played both of these with my sister - I high recommend you do It Takes Two as well because it is way better. You can see the dev getting better as you go through their games, I’m very excited for their next one.
Americans like to say that but when fascists and authoritarians turn up the most gun obsessed Americans always love them.
Ha! They must have missed the billboards, front page newspaper articles, TV reports, and public service annou- oh wait.
Rayman? Owned by Ubi right? Why does it need kick-starting?
It’s been so long that Arrested Development references are never unexpected, but this is the closest.
That’s a fair point. Though the actual people I’ve seen talking about it have said it’s buggy as well though, more than a few have refunded.
But all people have said is that it’s buggy on switch (with screenshot proof) and that there weren’t enough servers for hours after launch. Is it you that’s overblowing it?
Believe it or not it’s possible to gather information about things without directly experiencing it and I tend to do this with new games. I also already have the originals on steam.
Yes and it’s a multiplayer classic that they couldn’t play multiplayer in. It doesn’t ruin the game, it didn’t destroy the experience permanently, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s shit and only happened because of the publisher’s greed. No clue why you feel the need to defend it really.
[Edit] I also haven’t said a single word that even implies I’m an expert on it. I mentioned bugginess that I said I saw in a comment and talked about servers being unavailable. What level of star wars battlefront expert do you think I need to be to discuss specific star wars battlefront things like…bugs and servers?
I don’t own the game. It’s not a problem for me at all. It’s a principle, and a reflection of a publisher’s greed and disrespect towards its customers.
Do you know that people bought the game, downloaded it, installed it, sat to play it, and couldn’t because the publisher didn’t want to pay for the required servers for their most loyal customers to do so?
Sure, it’s good that there are servers now, but that’s the minimum I expect and I expect them there at launch. You know, so people who have paid money to play their game actually can. Far be it for me to think an online multiplayer game should have servers to play online multiplayer in when it’s available to buy.
I recall there being plenty of talk about Helldivers servers. About a month’s worth. Meanwhile I haven’t seen a single person say this is the worst thing that’s ever happened or that it’s never happened before with other games, just that releasing a multiplayer game and only having three servers available is absurd. That and the apparently poor port at least on Switch detailed in another comment.
Believe it or not, shit happening before doesn’t change anything. Shit’s still shit. And we all already know the only actual obstacle to ensuring a smooth multiplayer launch (assuming a competently made game, of course) is paying for enough servers to handle the initial surge. They just prefer not to spend that money and present a poor experience to customers who buy the game at launch instead, because fuck them right.
…but not before launch? The game launched and they weren’t there? So they released a game and there were only three servers available? Hours later they added a bunch of servers? AFTER LAUNCH? Is there another way I can phrase this so you realise how stupid it is that you’re defending it?
I’m not talking for anyone, so you seem to have gotten a little lost again. It’s ok, go back and re-read, do it slowly and sound the hard words out loud so you can work out what they are. Maybe you’ll extract some of the actual meaning from the word, then you can finally make a comment that actually follows a conversation instead of this weird straw man about someone “not made for the internet.”
And dude, the conversations I’m responding to are literally right there above my comments, where is it you think that stupid line of thought is going? Everyone can see what you said. Are you struggling with object permanence as well?
That isn’t what I said at all, but I can’t expect you to understand that I suppose. What I actually said was that if you were even slightly smarter you be so embarrassed by them that you’d delete your comments. Not sure why you think I’d want them deleted, the longer they’re here the more embarrassing it is. Or would be, if you weren’t so dense.
Practice some reading comprehension, judging by your comments you should start with Mr Men books, that’ll be about the right level for you.
Good. There were like six PS5 only games when they released it so I hope it does terribly - if you’ve bought one, you’re an idiot.
“Let’s just bleed em even drier” said Sony, careful not to cut its own lip on its vampire fangs.