His skin is also three shades deeper orange.
His skin is also three shades deeper orange.
Agreed. Respect for what is essentially the golden rule is the bare minimum to be accepted by a rational society.
Please remind us in four years what happens
Dude just block it if you don’t want any exposure. Curate your own Lemmy.
Maybe if it didn’t get hijacked by crazies and conspiracy theorists after a few months.
I’m so glad BB King and Elvis aren’t around to see this bullshit.
For every american that takes pride in their constitution (and especially the 2nd amendment whiners that complain about tyranny), your word will be worth less than Putin’s if you don’t depose this tyrant.
I absolutely can blame them for global insecurity, the way Russia made grain prices rise by invading Ukraine.
Americans also have the most significant impact on climate change because they’re the biggest polluters.
That just means they’re racist too. All he needed to do was paint immigrants and refugees as boogeyman so even minorities look down on them. Anything goes, as long as leopards don’t eat my face!
If the world wants to shift towards extremism, why stop it? Give the people what they want.
Exactly. This makes the entire thing a joke.
The court will decide acts are official when convenient (read: supports their guy).
The Federalist Society needs to be outlawed as a terrorist organization.
You can’t draw an imaginary line between American policy and your home country. It affects everyone when more natural disasters happen or food prices rise due to global insecurity.
People who think freedom of speech also means freedom from consequences.
Bigots being criticized is proof the system is working.
Privilege for you to type that. For others, like Ukrainians, the consequences are much worse.
A lack of accountability has been a recurring theme here. The orange man will take no accountability for attempting an insurrection, or for the hatred he encourages. Voters will not take accountability for electing a fascist.
I hate how this picture is accurate. American inaction on climate change fucks everyone over. There’s almost no chance of convincing China and India to reduce emissions if the richest country in the world can’t be bothered to lift a finger.
But hey, maybe this will incentivize Elon to double his efforts on colonizing Mars for the super rich!
Don’t look up.
Wall to wall moaning is nothing compared to the incoming shit storm of the next 4 years.
The only way that a project like this can succeed is by Stealth dropping it once complete, like the Mario 64 pc port.
Santa Monica? From Software? Firaxis? Capcom?
There’s options, but I see your point.
Buy the games that are worth rewarding and maybe the seven seas can help with the rest
No matter what the orange man says, actions speak far louder than words.
For all those Americans who voted for this man to break the system out of protest, congratulations. You instead voted for making America Russia’s bitch. Putin couldn’t have had a better idiot in chief to manipulate like a trained monkey.