Tell me you like grenades without telling me you like grenades.
Tell me you like grenades without telling me you like grenades.
This right here. Every kid is different and parents should know what they need and be allowed the freedom to choose what’s right for them.
We have a 11 and 13 year old and neither are capable of disconnecting. I mean literally. They will skip sleep, meals and restroom breaks if given that level of freedom. So we have time limits. Reasonable ones in my opinion but still limits.
Also, I work in tech and one of the kids is extremely savvy at pushing boundaries and getting around my security , so I make it a game and give them the freedom to break limits in a controlled environment. This builds trust and teaches them at the same time.
Trust but verify and provide what’s best for your own kids.
Seems a bit redundant
A friend of mine tells a funny story about how shortly after seatbelts became mandatory, he was jumping around in the front seat of his mom’s car while driving and she asked him several times to belt up.
Being a kid, he refused and finally she tapped the brakes. He does this hilarious impression of eating the dashboard and needles to say he started wearing the seatbelt from then on.
The scene with the bear…
Hard to execute
Nice, I see what you did there.
Thank you for your service. Right now I feel the same feeling when someone says “ew this milk smells, smell it”
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Yum! I do this with tortilla chips crushed slightly and let them soak in the melting butter in the pan while it warms up. Same thing in reverse mostly. Delicious.