I did not see a reason given. Anyone know why?
I did not see a reason given. Anyone know why?
From a non techy perspective, having what is used and installed being secure is a big one. I am new to Linux Mint. Mostly user friendly until something gets corrupted or suddenly can not be verified.
Looking for why is not always simple, and there are some explanations/instructions easier to understand than others.
I preface most of my searches with Linux mint (whatever I am searching for) for dummies. This helps some.
The best I’ve got is, it’s complicated.
This should be my line!
Overall my opinion is irrelevant, however, I think there is a huge difference in knowing a person votes vs how a person votes. The how should not be public, imo.
I would not consider that theft. More a passing of the torch.
The judge said it was a monopoly but there does not seem to be any consequences at this time if ever.
Mehta’s conclusion that Google has been running an illegal monopoly sets up another legal phase to determine what sorts of changes or penalties should be imposed to reverse the damage done and restore a more competitive landscape.
The potential outcome could result in a wide-ranging order requiring Google to dismantle some of the pillars of its internet empire or prevent it from paying to ensure its search engine automatically answers queries on the iPhone and other devices. Or, the judge could conclude only modest changes are required to level the playing field.
Hardening cars is wild west right now.
The cars should not need to be hardened. That is what needs to stop, imo!!
(stiffles the bubbling hysterical laughter)
I like Apple Maps at the moment because it is not currently packed with ads or suggestions.
I am fortunate enough to live in an area the directions are very accurate.
I have the 15 Pro Max after using Samsung for many years.
No one has mentioned the keyboard here.
I can type decent enough, however, having to go back and forth for numbers, letters, and symbols is frustrating at best.
The gallery app is not as easy as Samsung, imo. Instead of moving something to its own album I have everything stuck in “recents”. Hopefully, I will never forget to immediately move any photo to the proper album.
Photo editing on Samsung has more options.
iCloud wants to sync everything even when you tell it not to. I have documents hiding in there somewhere and apparently not even Apple can figure out where they are.
Spotlight search is amazing.
Adguard with Safari is not too bad. Reader mode is nicer, imo
I found the files app decent enough.
Overall a decent phone. Could it use improvement, yes. I look forward to ios18.
Finally winning the lottery!!
But don’t you just get tired of jumping through hoops for every little thing these days?
Big tech needs to stop being evil. There, problem solved, right…right…ha
They are displacing text messaging and making it look like nothings changed.
They get more of your data, so there’s that.
If only Signal were the default messaging app!!!
Doesn’t scanning before upload imply the encryption is broken somewhere? Is that the point, to remove encryption? Forgive my naivete.
The letter opens with an admission by the collective of police chiefs that they’re unable to do their jobs unless tech companies do half the work for them.
I suppose previous generations of law enforcement that were able to do their jobs before all this does not count.
For the non tech person choosing to be as private as possible, can you just turn it off and it not collect anything? Sorry for the naive question. I honestly do not know the answer.
When did it become ok for people to be violated so profusely without any consequence?
Indoor plumbing, heating and air!