Standard of living has been steadily improving in China since the revolution, and it has managed to develop in an overwhelmingly peaceful fashion. China has achieved astounding feats of engineering with projects like cross country high speed rail, and it’s currently leading the clean energy revolution globally.
David Bowie and Freddie Mercury did a duet.
We haven’t had a nuclear war yet!
Actually we did, 79 years ago.
And yet, despite stockpiling weapons for the next eight decades, never again.
Maybe that’ll change in the next decade, but hopefully we can keep 1945 as the last year nuclear weapons were used for a bit longer.
Well. Right now, putin is in an unwinable war. He CAN’T win given his lack of superior quality war machines and materials. His lack of combat experienced military personel, and his lack of air defenses. They’re losing literal thousands of personel (mostly soldiers) every single day.
If putin loses, he dies. He will be forcefully removed from his position and executed. He knows this. The united states knows this. Everybody in the situation knows this. Which is why for a very long time, nobody would allow Ukraine to use their weapons deep into russia in an effort to curb escalation. Because back against the wall, with no other possibility for winning the war, putin is going to eventually use nukes. He’s going to use nukes when it’s a situation of “fuck it, I’m going to die anyways. Nuke em.”
And as each day passes, russia gets further and further into a state of permanent national destability. This war is going to harm them for generations. Even before the war, they hadn’t replenished their population to pre-WWII levels. This is on-par with that. That should give you an idea of how badly this is going to damage their next 40 years. Hundreds of thousands of young men all dead. And eventually, russia will run out of men to send to the war. That’s when putin pushes the button. He’s going to nuke Ukraine. Probably Kiev. And it will happen before this war is over. Unlike hitler just killing himself and his wife, putin is going to try to take everybody down with him. Because that’s how big his ego is.
Only question is…does he ONLY fire at Kiev? Does he just go balls out and nuke everybody instead? Scorched earth kind of thing.
Only time will tell. If we live to tell the tale.
A nuclear war definitely implies use of nuclear weapons on both sides. That was nuclear conquest, or nuclear terrorism.
Just slaughtering civilians in a country that was already willing to negotiate their surrender.
Willing to negotiate a surrender favourable to them, sure.
Willing to negotiate a surrender that wouldn’t force them to become a conquest of the US. They just wanted to keep their own government. The US refused, it wanted unconditional surrender and total control of Japan.
Japan wasn’t exactly a bunch of saints when it came to slaughtering civilians.
Japanese civilians weren’t exactly the ones doing the slaughtering. It’s not like the nukes targeted a military target.
I was definitely talking about the nation of Japan and their military.
Near-infinite access to pretty much any information you can possibly dream of, content, questions, etc, on a little device in your pocket
The problem with that is it has led to ignorant people believing they’re smart — all because they can find any random site that backs up any nonsense they assert. Critical thinking and credible research are endangered concepts now.
Oh, of course. There are negatives to everything for sure. But I think as a whole it’s made life better in a lot of different ways.
ive said to my kids "you have the sum total of all human knowledge available at your fingertips 24/7 and youre bored? "
Give them welbutrin and there mind will be on overload. Worked wonders for me. no sarcasm.
Do you feel this “overload” all the time or in bursts?
It was all the time because couldn’t get my mind to connect to all the things I was thinking about. Now I can and it just comes out. For example I never wake up in the morning hungover or anything my eyes just go bing and I am wide awake. I then rune 3 miles then read about an hour of wiki for whatever my mind comes up with. Then I got to my job for 48 hours.
Wait so now I’m in trouble for not being on my phone? Make up your mind! /s
There’s a big difference between doom scrolling and education.
I try to be a “silver lining” type of guy whenever possible, and a recent example that I’ve been using is mRNA vaccines. They were advancing achingly slowly before CoVID-19 basically turned the whole world into an mRNA lab. Now, thanks to that, there are vaccine trials underway for seasonal influenza, Epstein–Barr virus, HIV, RSV and several types of cancer. There’s even talk of a bona fide cure for the common cold.
the common cold
the WHAT?
(well… just the coronavirus variants that cause it about 50% of the time, no word yet on a norovirus vaccine -
Common cold is rhinovirus, not norovirus.
The RSV vaccine is even being used in the wild! Certain high risk demographics can get it during RSV season. And not rare high risk either, women beyond a certain point in pregnancy and older people.
I mean, we’re communicating over the Internet right now, which is pretty cool. Right?
On Lemmy. For now. Things will change. But for now it’s pretty cool. Um.
Hi. :waves:
Do you ever worry that somebody could just forcefully grab you, unzip your pants and forcefully stuff hundreds of angry snakes into your pants? Or that you’re going to pull back your shower curtain one day, and there’s going to be a bear in your shower? Or that one day all the countries will just nuke each other for funsies?
I often worry about things that don’t makes sense. Like the one time my ex girlfriend was eating ice cream, and I wondered if one day she might give birth to a moose.
I like you. Never change.
Or that you’re going to pull back your shower curtain one day, and there’s going to be a bear in your shower?
Ha! Joke’s on you. I don’t have a shower curtain!
Well then you’re not protected from the bathroom skunks!
Hi! How’s it goin?
I’m OK, mostly.
Had some good Chinese takeaway tonight, which was a treat. Ate that while watching my countrymen descend into some kind of froth for dystopic, authoritarian autocracy. That’s kind of a bummer.
I abide. Trying to, anyway
For now.
Applebee’s has announced the much-anticipated return of its All You Can Eat Special, which includes Boneless Wings, Riblets, and Double Crunch Shrimp.
I hate… so much about the things that you choose to be.
Hitler lost WW2, the south lost the American civil war, and we haven’t all nuked each other (yet)
Kinda terrible examples tho…
Sure “Hitler lost”. Cause he killed himself and stuff. But the Nazis won. The US saved most officers and gave them jobs in NATO and the nascent west German government. Then used them to hunt and undermine communists all over the world. The Nazis themselves kinda won. The Cold War was basically a Nazi war, which they won.
The south “lost”. But after they lost the US became the most racially segregated country in the world and became the chief inspiration to the Nazis.
Then the US literally bombed Japan TWICE for no fucking reason other than spooking Stalin.
You have 3 wrong examples, that actually show we are living in the timeline where the Empire won.
Ok dude
Pretty sure Japan wouldn’t agree with that last point…
No, it is genuinely a good point. The fact that its use so far has been entirely limited to the two that ended WW2 was certainly not a given. Some US military leaders wanted to use nuclear weapons in Korea.
The Korean War was so soon after WW2 that the strong taboo against the use of nuclear weapons hadn’t yet taken hold, and the USSR had a miniscule stockpile, so the US could genuinely have done it with limited risk to themselves. The fact that they didn’t use them is a really important turning point that helped build in the taboo against their use that has so far held to this day.
Hitler learned about Eugenics from America. We were forcibly sterilizing people for being “inferior” which you can imagine who that meant. America built their own concentration camps for Japanese citizens and our forced labor in our current prison system is just tge more pletable version of labor camps.
The American civil war was about slavery, but tge north was not full of abolitionist people like you might assume. Tge rich in the North and South were against ending slavery, but their hands were forced by the larger population. The only reason we have not had nukes go off is only because they are old and not maintained well. We’ve dropped a few nukes on accident that just didn’t go off. At least two of those were over America.
the south lost the American civil war,
They’ve been trying to play the long game
The cultural victory, if you will.
The south won the war when they killed Lincoln.
They killed Lincoln but they couldn’t kill the abolitionist movement. Congress ratified three of the most progressive laws written in a century and the Freedman’s Bureau took to the job of enfranchising and rehabilitating millions of black ex-slaves in the subsequent decade.
Pick up a copy of W.E.B DuBois’s “The Souls of Black Folk”. What he describes is, at it’s heart, a revolution in how our country treated men and women of African descent. It set the foundation for the next century of civil rights and paved the way for a modern era in which the core racist underpinning of the country are totally upended.
That kind of fundamental change would not have been possible under a Breckinridge administration, nor would it have been possible if the Union had been crippled into submission at Gettysburg or Antitem.
Lincoln was the tip of the abolitionist spear and critical to what came after. But he was not alone. And he was by no means the most radical voice within his party. His martyrdom became the bloody shirt that Republicans rallied under long after the war had ended.
Wait, when you say Republicans, do you mean the organisation that Americans currently call the Grand Old Party, the GOP, the modern Republican Party? If so, I find it ironic that the party standing for freedom has evolved into the party that shields and encourages racists and criminals.
The American parties in the American civil war that share the names with the current parties are largely ideologically inverted at this point.
the party standing for freedom
That died with the Hayes Administration.
Good people still exist, so does love.
Can’t confirm. World is dark. Life is pain.
Its there, you have to find it.
Indoor plumbing, heating and air!
For the first time in the known provable history of the universe, it is just becoming possible to have an infinitely persistent entity. The peripheral systems that surround that entity and enable persistence are still getting worked out. In the long term, this is a massively profound step in our evolution. It may not seem like it now. This comment probably seems silly to some, but mark my words in two decades from now the world will be a very different place as a result of such a system.
I don’t think AGI is some future leap in technology away from where we are now. I think that present AI is around 80% accurate and that is still better than average for most humans. Present AI is simply like the assembly language of AGI. Eventually we build out the complexity in blocks until it is effectively AGI. The power requirements will be enormous, but so is Solar output.
So much of our organizational norms and assumptions are based on the defacto assumption that we are all mortal and corruptible. Conscious immortality is now possible in a system that can be aligned to meet our needs. This shift is M A S S I V E and will change us forever.
Half or more of us will fight against such a change, but they are irrelevant. Even if AGI is pushed underground, anyone in business or politics that defers their decision making to a real AGI will out compete humans in the long term. It will normalize in either scenario. The only question is how long it will take to achieve. This is a change that will mark our time in history for a millennia or more. It will be the biggest historical event of note up until now, in the long term. I don’t think AGI is like nuclear fusion, where it is always 20 years away. I think present AI is like the Intel 4004; the first microprocessor. It needs a ton of peripherals and is still heavily flawed, but the fundamentals required to prove useful are present and that is what really matters.
point taken, but that’s also an accurate description of cosmic horror
Any human based legislative system is an equivalent horror in reality - (Marcellus Williams)
it is just becoming possible to have an infinitely persistent entity
You’re just describing a library. And we’ve had those for millennia.
That said… we’ve had libraries for millennia! Imagine all the alternative universes in which Euclid’s Elements or Plato’s Republic or The Analects of Confucius or Naturalis Historia or On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres were lost before they could become cornerstones of human understanding.
Imagine a world in which we never developed the capacity for language or the faculty for written text.
Instead of sleeping in a cave and spending all day trying to kill food with a sharp stick, you can use your pocket internet to have food delivered to your door. In your very comfortable living space. Thank you Science and all the smart people in history that brought us here. Life is not as bad as the losers would have us believe.
And there are so many foods that can’t be grown in certain parts of the world, but I can get almost anything.
Even something as commonplace as a banana has to be shipped to a large portion of the world where it doesn’t grow natively.
US centric, violent crime is down. Not the lowest it’s been currently, but better than it was when I was growing up.
Pick any human development index measurement and view its progress over the past 10 years
Women’s rights in the US?
Not an HDI measure
Globally, it’g gone up. The US is not representative of the entire planet
Thank God.
We’re still here.