Abby… Normal?
Abby… Normal?
Well, presumably more than a few dozen light years away. A few dozen lightyears is nothing on a cosmic scale.
Ah, I could see that. It can be read either way, but I think the author intended it to be read this way. ‘Wow!’ As the reaction to the father’s statement that he won’t have to work if he does something he loves.
Yes how is the text supposed to for?
Same. Could use a reread. What a great book.
Goldeneye did allow this. Crazy. Hard to use other buttons though.
We had a Garden Spider for one summer on the corner of our porch.
She was so chill and we loved having her around. They often rebuild that beautiful web every night.
She laid a few sacs, but none of her children stuck in our yard, sadly.
Is it your comic? If so, good job.
I consider myself to have a decent vocabulary, but I would not have gotten sinuous’ definition correct.
Harbinger I knew, but it’s nice to see In a positive example.
The other two were new to me.
It’s worse! 9 syllables!
I assumed that’s what it was, or something like it. Horrifying. And they use some of those bad aminations on banner etc. Like they’re proud of it. Lmao
This is the way.
OG Xmen animated series is not like Thundercats in this regard. The first season is a bit rough, but it gets much better. It’s still a kids animated show, but it’s also very good.
I was only a teenager when I got an opportunity to get some Thundercats nostalgia… cartoon network or somebody was re-airing it. I was horrified. I’ve not tried again since.
Xmen on the other hand, I’ve rewatched twice in the past few years, and I’d do it again.
Except the final season. Wth happened there? Felt like they were told to finish up with a shoestring and MS Paint.
I disagree on this point. Say what you will about midichlorians, but even before they were introduced, not everyone could use the force.
Granted that wasn’t explicitly stated in A New Hope… that random farm boy was already special because he was the son of a great Jedi Knight.
I have it installed so I can randomly play it every few years.
Only game I ever torrented, because I had bought it and lost it multiple times.
I feel your pain. You’re describing my dogs to a tee. I can understand how it could be confusing to people who have never had to deal with this. What breed is your pupper if you don’t mind me asking?
Can’t speak for the other user, but we have had three West Highland Terriers/Westies. All three of them did this at times and could be super picky at times to the point of making them sick.
They have really strong internal clocks, and if their schedule gets out of whack, or if we’re slightly late, or if something gets their appetite moving earlier than normal, this happens.
Their stomachs start producing acid whenever they think it’s time for food, and if they don’t get it in time, they throw up stomach acid.
We have it decently under control these days due to years of experience… but it takes 4 meal times and a small snack before bed. One or the other of our current two will still get sick once every few weeks.
I have actually had to dial back their portions carefully the past few weeks because they were both a bit overweight. So I can confirm that this can be a problem even when they are getting enough food.
Me too, because after I posted that, I also remembered his monologue about how if you steal $100M in bearer bonds they will find you unless they think you are dead.
So yeah, I don’t remember if it was discussed but I think McClane just sped up the timetable for getting the authorities involved. They definitely tried to keep it quiet at first though.
But also, Mr Takagi was murdered before John had done anything, IIRC.
The FBI ultimately getting involved was always a part of Gruber’s plan. Couldn’t bypass the last lock on the safe without them cutting the power.
Yes, and the idea of spotting a rare fanciful cow while cowatching.