Here’s a sample, but there are numerous open source scripts, depending on what you want, on git:
Here’s a sample, but there are numerous open source scripts, depending on what you want, on git:
A simple web search reveals 3 such open-source scripts as the first results. Here’s one:
*Arr Suite, QBT, and a Jellyfin Server. Done and done. There are scripts to set it all up in less than 30 seconds…
This shit angers me to no end. Where I live, they built this wonderful highway around the greater metro area. Said it’d be a toll road for 25 years until paid off. We’re on year 29 now, because they needed to “update” it.
Then, you find out the tolls are managed by a for-profit company in Saudi Arabia…? The express lanes, that cause more traffic and wrecks than a simple exspansion of lanes, is ran buy a for-profit company, in a foreign country. It makes no sense, unless you’re a fan of unregulated capitalism, I guess.
All I can think of is Russia. Definitely Russia.
Damn, I got suckered in too that one.
“Sweet! All the functions on my deck will work soon…”
Undead Zombies? No. I’m no virologist, but I’ve read about a Rabies variety, or certain fungal infections. Fiction-wise, World War Z, or 28 Days type “zombies”, where the body is very much functioning, but the brain has been hijacked…