Have you ever been pulled over? How fast are these cops running to your car window?
Have you ever been pulled over? How fast are these cops running to your car window?
Wait the save button can remind you on Lemmy? Is this on the desktop? I don’t see an option on the Voyager app at least.
Technically no, it’s probably thicker than a soup? Practically yeah, you could dunk some grilled cheese in that bad boy.
It is a red pepper coulis, which is basically a purée.
Not to the people who are just fatphobic, but it definitely sows confusions. I’ve cleared it up with way too many people offline and on for it be just a rare misunderstanding.
The subtle rephrasing of “health at every size” as “healthy at every size” also doesn’t help.
Legit hadn’t heard “found the fatty” for years until I came to this site.
The rules are not, but the victims are overwhelmingly female. Being intentionally obtuse about that doesn’t discredit their argument.
Don’t want your bike stolen? Don’t own a bike.
I didn’t defend, let alone mention Apple? You’re calling people morons and making up little scenarios to make yourself mad, all for a phone you don’t even use. No ones high or mighty, you just obviously seem like you’d benefit from talking to someone.
Well then maybe therapy might be a valid next step. Good luck!
I walk about three or four miles a day and now that it’s spring I’m gardening most days too.
We’re going to need 50CCs of fresh grass stat.
A, yes. B, no. If you donate to a charity via a checkout, they can’t claim that donation to deduct from their tax liability. You can, but the store count. If bill gates wanted to donate a billion dollars at the check out then he could write that off, not Kroger.
What no? I’m saying if OP wants iphone uses to act like android users we can start going into threads that have nothing to do with iPhone and stir up shit for no reason.
That worked! Thanks for the tip.
I don’t… I inferred I could mimic the android users behavior like OPs seen in most threads.
Hmmm yeah that seems to do the trick. mtg isn’t that active but I see some other the other niche coms when I sort that way.
I’m not 14, I’m not going to call you sheeple or presume to know why you picked out your phone.
Videos, “live” pics, and like a decade of text messages (w/ attachment)