Meanwhile at Epic…
Meanwhile at Epic…
Oh, tough guy resorting to insults then saying I should calm my blood pressure down. OoOOoO.
Bruh, you’re the one slinging first. I got under your skin just a little tinge for you to be throwing the insults down like the poor pathetic loser that you are. Lame. If you think your life is supposedly better than you make it sound, prove it and shut up by not responding to me.
Also, we seem to have a difference in view on fellow worker. You see, my kind of fellow worker is self-respecting to where they can make time to make healthy meals or meals in short periods. The kind of fellow workers you might see are just fat fucks who frequent fast food chains.
Don’t choke on them reputation points of yours, bruh. Might give you a case of holier-than-thou.
No I don’t because I’ve had time to make meals and there are other foods out there that substitute fast food that can be acquired in short time frames. Fast Food isn’t all that exists, you know.
Everything else you’ve said is just word salad and just excuses to be lazy.
If you’re injured and you survive with the scarring from said injuries. Well, good luck because you’re now going to wear those and wish you had died from them. If you’re incapacitated or amputated? Gotta live with that for years and years.
I’ve always had this answer for any of these kinds of questions. I would never say anything to them, but I’d give them a USB flashdrive. In it are a series of documents and pictures. They’re of things of importance that I’ve listed. Things of what to do and not do, people to meet earlier than later and things I’ve noted.
Make it your exercise routine. No chumps download shit by the megabytes, you’re going to go gigabytes and beyond! HUSTLE!
Because they’re consoomers. Consoomers don’t like people who supposedly threaten their product that they shall consoom later.
And consoomers don’t want to make the hand that feeds them angry so they’ll buy into any and every lie that’s been pitched for years about piracy.
No, unfortunately.
And whoever it is, whoever they thought that this was the “right thing” to do or however they go about justifying their arbitrary goals known only to them. I hope they get fucked.
And coffee.
Pirating it is, assholes. If you’re going to make this an official ruling, then stop attacking gamers that pirate out of print games when they acquire them.
And it’s why people stress to death that documenting is important. Even if you may not have time to review every single code, it wouldn’t hurt to leave footnotes as to where someone could take said code to pick up from where it left off.
If you leave somebody with nothing then it’s dead code.
I like the hours being dialed back. Whenever they’re dialed forward, it feels like time moves even faster than when it did beforehand. I didn’t like that feeling. Feels like everything is just being rushed and rushed.
Grace Periods.
I’m glad I know them now, because for the longest time, I thought I was in a fucked situation whenever my finances were tight. Like if I was due a bill and my pay cannot cover it because of the dates being different. It used to make think that I had to take a hit and just roll with it. But no, some of my bills allow me a brief grace period where I can gather resources in time. Sometimes I’ll even stretch my money beyond some grace periods if it means that I can upkeep some resources then just pay the difference later.
sudo-apt-get install mouth