This resonates so well with me… First time I’ve read it as “inability to direct attention” and it makes so much sense. So many long sessions looking up random crap on Wikipedia instead of completing tasks, which ultimately only end up taking like 5-30 min usually… And that’s after pushing it back for days or weeks. I’ve not been diagnosed, but often find descriptions and memes hitting a bit too close to home.
I can add Wrzeszcz for perspective. It may not be in a row, but no 8 letter word should have 3 zs
Damn that’s amazing. What can it do?
Yeah I accidentally the whole thing. Good times
That reminds me of the time i accidentally 93MB of .rar files
We also drew dickibutt
Due to working in retail in general or was the night shift even worse than the day/evening shift?
I think the warranty stretches a little further. You also need to live long enough to ensure your offspring become moderately self sufficient, but anything above 30 is definitely buyer beware
Yeah and Blueland in the left. They think we’re fucking idiots
It just feels like in these cases both edges are somehow being pointed straight at you
The sincere expression gets me 😃
Isn’t cruelty against animals - specifically one self - a key part of the Linux learning journey?
I get so happy whenever i see this. Sarah Anderson easily has the most relatable comics. Absolutely gonna carry treats for all the 13/10 puppers
That way you can use the shelf for your chocolate milk and comic book
Let’s see Paul Allen’s Godric’s stick collection
Our throats hurt from laughing when playing “Chained Together”. It’s short and cheap. We’re happy we picked easy mode for the first play through since that’s already quite challenging