You have time on your side. You can afford to make a few mistakes.
And wear sunscreen (can’t believe that song is >25 years old now)
You have time on your side. You can afford to make a few mistakes.
And wear sunscreen (can’t believe that song is >25 years old now)
OK @max, @thorbot, I didn’t know about this. I’d written off all VR in protest against corporate overreach. Time to do some more investigation…
I love spaceship games (think Elite: Dangerous and the like), and motorsport games. Anything where you’re set in a cockpit is a perfect candidate for VR. All I wanted was a headset that would act analagous to a dumb monitor - simply provide vision and audio and head tracking (with “simply” being a relative term - the challenges overcome and technology produced to date is, admittedly, amazing).
But no. What we have are a bunch of privacy-invading face huggers. I shouldn’t need to sign in to anything to use a piece of hardware that should require zero internet access (which is why anything Razer is also on my do not buy list).
So am I concerned about the Apple Vision Pro? Couldn’t give a shit to be honest. I’m not their customer.
For work I’ve found that Microsoft Teams no longer works on Debian + Firefox. My workaround is a dedicated VM running debian with Chrome installed (and nothing else). We’ll see how long that works.