Wow is still a thing?
Wow is still a thing?
So… anything is a comic strip nowadays it seems.
Dipshit in chief and his butthurt-prone sidekick will probably sue.
I’m sure he’s going to be facing lawsuits from Краснов and Wormtongue any day now.
I don’t know what any of that means.
Stuff it with some jack cheese, and The Amsterdam is literally Cheesy Blasters (from 30 Rock)
I think we’re all supposed to not be able to afford eggs for some reason.
Nope. It really happened.
The first time I ever heard this was the night that album released. Lived in a house in Cape Coral Florida with a bandmate, and a few members of another local band as roommates.
I think the other band’s drummer had gotten it earlier that day. Anyway… later that night, we pretty solidly cooked and listening to it, and when the album ended, no one wanted to get up and start it over or put on something else… so we all just sort of quietly sat there.
And then, after a looooong silence, we heard this….
I swear to god- no one moved an inch, no one said a word. We were absolutely floored! What the hell were we hearing! Visions of a white haired Amish preacher, glasses swinging from a chain, as he stomped through a farm plot, yelling at us….
Needless to say… Minds were blown that night.
Such a good memory!
Yeah. I get ya. Most people get around that by simply not talking down and respecting others. And right now, it looks like for the most part, you’re getting what you give- only unlike you, I’m not derogatorily admonishing you to feel superior. I’m doing it to hold up a mirror.
Again, your modlog is public.
So maybe you can stop with the arrogant life-lessons, opinions-stated-as-facts, and pseudo-intellectual lectures and learn to have a bit more respect for the people you speak directly to.
Be humbled. Then be better.
I’m going to need a napkin for all that irony you’re dripping.
Have a good evening for yourself.
Educated people can make their own judgment without you coloring in their reality for them, thanks.
Right, however, you’d have to be able to appeal to educated people first. And I don’t think you’re capable of it to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, cosplaying the “ackshually” meme would have been a great idea if it weren’t for the fact that people generally don’t like that guy very much.
But you do you.
Oh, and a bit of advice- I’d be careful with hurling that… “pseudointellectual” accusation at other people- especially in a comment thread where your modlog was made easily accessible. Glass houses being what they are.
(Oh, and, it’s pseudo-intellectual by the way, so- mind your hyphens)
Anywho, I think I made my point. There’s no real need to continue this.
Ahhh. I get it. You live in a month ago. Here, let me at least catch you up to somewhat recently:
So trump is going to help Israel turn Palestine into a glass crater……
And then there’s this disaster of a plan
And lastly, let’s not forget that his take on the subject is to “clean out the whole thing”….
So, I’mna go ahead and let you get to reading- hopefully you can get caught up to currently, and I’ll ask that once you arrive at now, you do your best to keep up with the rest of the class. Because you living in the past seems like a huge inconvenience- and not just for all of us…
Boy are you woefully misrepresenting reality. If cognitive dissonance were a solid, yours would have its own moons.
Naaah… it didn’t turn out that the people on their side were wrong at all, just that you disagreed with them. And what really happened was- it turned out that you couldn’t have a conversation without insulting people and getting your shit removed for trolling.
I agree though. People absolutely should read those threads, however- it’ll be a little confusing unless they access the modlogs to get your… take- on a few of those discussions.
…the people are more toxic than even Reddit
Hmmm… let’s take a look:
Honestly Lemmy kind of fucking sucks. It was really good at first and these communities had great memes…but now it’s just full of this trash and the people are more toxic than even Reddit. Such a shame.
Yep. Seems you’re absolutely right about that. If only there were a way to reduce the number of these types of comments.
The rock where I’m actually doing enough with my life so as to not be aware that a cartoonish video game still exists?
Yeah. It’s pretty comfy.