Duncan Holden [last name] Duncan (Idaho), (James) Holden [last name]
Duncan Holden [last name] Duncan (Idaho), (James) Holden [last name]
the expanse is soo good, some of the best scifi ever made. 10/10, named my kid after the show.
i loved that it was an option. not sure why it was changed.
i played hundred of hours of OW1, bought a OWL jersey, went to a couple live games…
Never bothered to install OW2. It was just too clearly the same game with worse monetization.
The evidence that it’s fake… The tapes…
Because there is no other evidence, such as the broadcast, the retro reflectors, the recent photos from satellites, returned momentos, quotes and people who lived through it… And you know, the USSR not debunking it at the time.
Too bad none of that exists.
It’s, what, 60 years after the moon landing, and nothinging has been been exposed
But next week, right?
that would make me worried about her house, black mold can be invisible and have nasty effects like that.
yea, ill go looking for great movies and games which have good Dolby Atmos… but once i buy it, i dont need to see a splash screen every time.
Wish we could have a single splash screen with all the bits of tech. then its only one, instead of screen after screen…
for sure! i bought it really early on, and it was amazing.
Just wish that they hadn’t bodged it so bad.
that, and fix some of the spegheti code from KSP 1. I love the game, but no one argued that it wasnt a hack job
yea, i get a lot of these changes and lock downs suck, but i can also see why they are needed from a security stand point. Proper sand boxing, requiring permission to access to camera and microphone, ect all seem like good changes.
im happy with “imagine not being a far right, and using twitter in 2024”
Need a mug saying this
Basically, both have serious problems, while I definitely leaned team Depp, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had gone the other way.
Several have, including the old school RuneScape wiki!
Now there’s two, and one is far more content full
Thats a good point, I would definitely give again if there was any sign they were actually in financial hardship.
In the end, the amount i donated more than offsets (likely by 100x) the amount of traffic i’ve generated.
I gave until i realized how much money wikipedia has, to the point its own moderators are pushing back against further fundraising.
i personally like Ars Technica quite a bit.