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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Chaos@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlBlame
    1 month ago

    Live your life the best way you can, ignore all rules, you can’t control nothing in life may as well enjoy it the most way you can just to spite god. You’re never the one struggling in life if you’re still alive, life is still struggling with you.

  • Chaos@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPlz stop :(
    2 months ago

    The difference between the UK and Israel is that the UK actually knows how to conquer lands, and when to give up before having any losses whatsoever then requiring global funds from international idiots who supports genocide without any real benefits for a literal 100+ years now, only to continue killing generations after generations of human beings.

    At this point it’s safe to say that Israel is a literal psychopath that enjoys bloodshed and mayhem and is just advertising war for Land as an excuse to continue with this war while in fact they just enjoy the killing and massacres, and now trying to extinct a whole race of people from the Said land for the fun of it, there’s literally no other reason for this war to last this long without any outcome or benefit.

  • So it’s been 7 months I know but I never been brave nor knew anyone who’s brave enough to try this but… yes you can get Erect in sea water and yes you Can even cum if you try hard enough, also no I didn’t fuck a fish or had a fish to suck me but sea Sirens are real you just have to not die it’s all about breathing (they have quality air in their butts).

    Just wanted to share this knowledge for future researchers, Chaos is out 😔🤌

  • Whoa there those are big words for an UFO sighting are you a conspiracy theorist or something? Lmao

    So you basically threw away everything that I said and fixated on the only word you don’t understand to attack with the only implanted knowledge you have that sits next to it in your brain folder lol

    Your argument is for the people of the rainbow, my argument is for everyone all the same as I said before if you don’t mind sharing all about yourself to everyone else then why would you mind the greedy corporations helping you out when selling your data it’s all the same they be sharing the same data as you want to force share with everyone but just not sharing any profit with you because you too want your data to be shared anyway, on the other hand there are people who simply don’t care wether you’re a he, she or even it as long as you have your personal thoughts and interests that’s all that matters and everyone is all the same online for us gender isn’t all that makes up a person and therefore it isn’t a big deal to innocently perfectly quote an old meme to someone from the different gender and get insulted and banned then because you didn’t change the quote to fit their gender.

    this is Lemmy after all not Reddit, why come here if you don’t want privacy I started to have this thought that you’re just on all social platforms to spread knowledge about your identity, pronouns and the gay people existence and only that, no matter where you are it’s all the same for you "I only want everyone know that I’m not a he/him I’m a she/her I absolutely want nothing more from this place other than that " to be honest I wouldn’t judge any instance owner to start helping you further spread knowledge about the rainbow people and make personal profit out of it by selling all of your data since you not just don’t mind but also want everyone to acknowledge it, again this is not Reddit this is Lemmy, the first people who built this concept didn’t think of making it just a social platform like all they made it a safe place away from personal greed where everyone is free to keep their privacy to their own with all the rights to be anonymous, you guys just came here and started forcing rules around forgetting the first concept build of this place, some instances ‘added’ the ability to have pronouns as a ‘feature’ not all instances have it or are able to see it so just don’t forget this fact. And I have no problem acknowledging your existence I just have a problem with you forcing your “obvious pronouns so don’t misgender me” rules forgetting the main reason that had this place to exist in the first place.

  • I mean in my “very long” years of experience never seen in an anonymous ungoverned platform someone intentionally revealing any peace of personal information about themselves like in hacking platforms for example someone calling themselves “he who hacks” or “her majesty” or such where those are only simple usernames but yet reveal enough to minimize the search area and along with the comments data could trigger enough data to start and osint attack on the user and then eventually dox them…

    if you’re obligating everyone to acknowledge your personal data don’t be nagging when companies be selling your data and making profit out of it since there are people who like Force feeding their informations onto others to be aware of, hell I won’t even blame Lemmy instance owner to sell the users data by then.

    I’ll be talking about myself and the majority of users that immigrated to this social platform based on the idea that it’s ungoverned, legally safe for all users and anonymous so when a user Calles someone bro or pal it’s if not always meant as gender neutral same as in a random people calling you bro with the meaning of that he/she descending from your mom or dad, like yourself, the logic is the same and intentions were pure, plus with the culture of respecting everyone’s right of privacy you’d learn to treat everyone as equal and the same, with the only difference is the mentality and ideas held by individuals not by gender as the only special treat to define a user.

  • Tbh honest when online gender is just a myth everyone is just a typing bot no one is actually whatever gender they think they are and stupidly everyone who judged you on those comments is either didn’t know the whole point of the Fediverse or has forgotten, because one of the main reasons that founds the whole existence of this place is anonymity from companies earning money selling our data, the fediverse is an escape from the company greed therefore there’s no he or she we’re all equals here and it’s valid to say " the man, the legend… as it is to say way to go sis… " as we’re all just free anonymous accounts as should be and we need to delete the gender concept maybe starting with using gender neutral terms online until everyone’s comfortable with the idea because to be banned or have your account deleted for misgendering another user is just crazy and defeats the whole fediverse concept.

  • 10 years ago by having your full name and face your whole data would be in risk of exposure like all social media apps your online footprint etc, etc and in the wrong hands hackers for example can do god knows what with it like sell your data to your enemies track it against you to steal your bank informations whatever they can put their hands on…

    Nowadays they only need your face, almost everyone in the world has had uploaded a picture of them online somewhere and that’s enough to dox you and again your online digital footprint and again for whatever reason they want to possibly hurt you,

    However having digital privacy forbids this data from leaking to the wrong hands and makes you a little more secure, just knowing little bit about your private life is sometimes enough to track you and open a weakness to take advantage of. this age isn’t for nuclear wars it’s about digital wars and data is power.

  • Nah don’t worry they can’t… why? Because all internet is web2 when Lemmy is web3 meaning it’s owned by no one therefore there isn’t a specific site that they can simply ban… the architecture of Lemmy is different from reddit and others because Lemmy are multiple instances owned by random people online that gather all in a what’s called an activity hub so in conclusion there isn’t a specific site That they can apply the ban on and we’re basically immune as long as no cp or such exists anywhere in the fediverse otherwise all governments would attack all instances and then it would become harder to rebuild the fediverse with all instances scattered without governments interferences against it, so as long as we are legal there’s no way for the government to apply any kind of bans on us don’t worry -