I’m ashamed, I thought it was an Atari Jaguar at first and then I saw the Sega logo.
I’m ashamed, I thought it was an Atari Jaguar at first and then I saw the Sega logo.
A friend of mine dabbles in video game collecting so I knew the price was high there for a bit. My OG Wavebird is in a plastic tub in my parent’s basement with the rest of my old video game gear.
Am I a joke to you?
Obviously their mod is different but I gotta show love.
Private equity firms have been buying veterinary offices at an increased rate since 2020 and jacking up rates, especially in high COL areas so I’m not surprised. My dog needed a tooth extracted at the end of last year and the cost was just under $1000. I understand there are highly trained individuals working there that need to be paid appropriately but I wonder what the cost for me to have one tooth extracted would be?
I’m trying to think of something that was somewhat popular to make this more interesting. I’ll say Paperboy, I had a friend who really liked it but I never cared for it. Even when it showed up on emulators or retro game packs, it’s was always annoying and boring to me.
I had a pretty awesome cat who was fun and happy to see me, I’d still put him in that final panel though.
I may be wrong but I believe dish soap is an alkaline/base and I know vinegar is acidic. If you mix the two, they are going to neutralize each other. I’d try just the vinegar and some hot water, that’s I use to clean water scale build ups.
What worked for me was to find a replacement for the sensation in my mouth. The big problem with a lot of sodas is the sugar and calories so I wanted to find a substitute that’s lower in those categories. I broke my addiction to Mt Dew with a big glass of the coldest water I could get, the cold mouth feel took the place of the fizzy one. I’m back on fizzy stuff but I stick to flavored seltzer water and usually only one with dinner.