Why do you want to talk about killing bakers ?
Happy Holidays
Why do you want to talk about killing bakers ?
after a lifetime of “fatty patty boom bah laddy” taken in good humor i’m not feeling the rage here
good discussion about what ?
i used to feel badly blocking accounts
They get compensated enough to forget.
Like any gingerbread man could afford that house. needs gingerbread studio apartment.
If small towns were so great then why didn’t he stay there ?
Oh right greed and need of psychopathic power grabbing of the american dream.
Don’t forget to show the part where Hob Gadling meets them for a drink.
Zoomber is the masculine definitive of Zoomba
that said the speaker/mute combo while on hold is a major moment in human development with 21st century corporate bullshit
we are “the maps without new zealand” generation
just saving for a future copy and paste
There would still be people who stole if we lived in a socialist paradise. And they would still want to be called boss.
turbolib is a new insult
$500/ticket at the show in Vancouver.
How much does she need to feel like that she won ?
I’ve had a black neck gaiter for years and a black hoodie for years and I have worn them in my neighborhood for years.
I wore them the other day and waved at a neighbor that drove by and they slammed on their brakes and then sped off. I guess they took my Xmas cheer as a threat. Anyways they had an off duty cop standing in front of their house last night.
mission accomplished ?
nearly killed is some distance from killed.
if he had killed him the story would have been different, no ?
the dna/rna/dna replication process just gets sick of doing the same thing over and over
aging is just spicy rna