My grandpa grew up in the corner gas town lol
My grandpa grew up in the corner gas town lol
My grandpa grew up in the corner gas town lol
Im sorry for your pain, may you find peace and joy in your life
You give good advice
Starlight Brigade feat Dan Avidan
Its all about the hopefull and uplifting music, put it on and go for a walk, tell your family you love them, then appologize to someone you feel you let down. Cry, it only means you care. After, eat a nice home cooked meal and re-watch Loki or Guardians of the Galaxy.
Thats what I like!
Now do ducks… no? Why not ducks? Is there an issue with Malards? Something something 7 false vaginas…
He likes pushing the rock. It is how he decieves the gods a second time. Now he will panic but then learn to like being the best office worker ever, because he always wins and loves effort
Only in the morning, afternoon is for sleeping it off before the bar
Because Labradoodles wound up very cute but inherited all the bad traits from both breeds and almost none of the good. Just a bundle of nerves and health issues, or so Ive heard/read
No, thats just the bullshit they use to justify it.
Anything not looking good enough gets sent to a secondary outlet and is sold as is with no organic labels. The stuff that is a grade below that gets juiced ( dont drink fruit juice that you didnt make yourself if you can help it…). They are not losing a single pennie, they are making out like thieves
The real difference is pitbulls bite to kill, most other dogs dont. Any dog can get triggered, but certain breeds like bullies and dogos, ridgbacks, they bite to kill. It is as instinctual as a pointer pointing or a sheep dog herding.
Just watch a lot of footage of a shepard attacking a human vs a pitbull. The shepard generally goes for the arm or leg and the bully drags you down so it can go for the face and neck.
Heck, one time when I was driving a bully charged my van! I was doing 50km and he charged out, and bashed into my door! I didnt stop, and it didnt seem hurt it just went after the car behind me…
I dont want to listen to them because there is nearly infinite better music than the overproduced boring stuff. Some tunes are catchy, even seen them live once because my mom wanted company, but they are mid at best imo
It sounds awefull but tastes amazing. This was years ago when I was still moving furnature across the nation and drinking more booze than water. I wonder if I would like it sober tbh
I had pizza once with almonds and honey and chicken. It was suprisingly good.
Yea, I tried to go down that rabbit hole off a wiki link a fellow replied with… way over my head :)
Make me cry is what they would do with the opera scene
8 beats 7 in most ways, but 7 has a better and more coherent story. At least Clouds memory wipe makes sense, where as 8 is like i onno, gfs did it. 8 had deeper customization and so many hillarious way to break the game, a sick card game, a bigger more realistic world and still quite a good story even with the plot holes.
But there is no denying that the characters in 7 are much more Iconic to the series. There is a reason 7 got tapped for a remake and not 8 or 9 or even 6. I would do unspeakable things to see a modern version of Kefka just, being a massive douche in the world of balance.
I have to applaud the dedication to the bit. Show that complainer whats what.
He makes me hotter than July
Goes nicely with me jean-gloves and denim dentures
Oh lots of things
Drag Queens ( they are so entertaining)
Inconvenient truths
People who hang toilet paper the wong way
The French (cowards? They won more battles than anyone and have mastered the art of standing up for themselves)
Pineapple on pizza ( its good, Ill die on this hill)
Caillou - not, that whiney snot deserves it
Ned Flanders
Bell bottoms
Satan ( the word in acient hebrew that we translated to Satan first appears in the book of Job, and would more accuratly be rendered as accuser of prosecutor. In the whole bible satan only goes after 10 people, and only when god tells satan to do it. Half way through satan is like ‘um god? This guys like, broken now. Call it good?’ But that rapscallion god was like ‘no, he could still recover keep hitting him’ and all that because god ‘knew’ Job was the most loyal and devout of his followers and his narcisism just couldnt help but make a grand display of proving it)
I’d pet a cat because cat