They also laid off folks with H1Bs. No, I suspect the real story here is that someone somewhere got convinced these jobs could be done even cheaper by AI, so they’re cutting folks to fund the datacenters basically.
They also laid off folks with H1Bs. No, I suspect the real story here is that someone somewhere got convinced these jobs could be done even cheaper by AI, so they’re cutting folks to fund the datacenters basically.
Yeah, everyone always brings up the Wii U but the whole “New” 3DS situation was even less clear if you ask me
It’s not impossible to understand Danish as a Swede but it’s different enough in terms of sounds, grammar, maths, etc. that it’s indeed like an uncanny valley. It’s close enough at first glance, but then gets really alien when you start to pay attention to it. It’s like catching snippets of a conversation in otherwise white noise.
I have worked in Denmark too, and share your friend’s experience - both sides default to English.
Accurate though. Danish sounds legit like super drunk Swedish at a distance, and uncanny valley up close to anyone speaking Swedish or Norwegian or German.
Thanks! I’ll give it a go once the backlog gets cleared out a bit.
This is so high on my “should play list” and yes I haven’t gotten around to it. Is it truly as good as folks say? What are your experiences with it having played the original?
Ticket to Ride
Yeah, I suppose Rammstein were actually a bit optimistic with that line.
That’s really hard to source honestly due to the nature of proxy wars. The list I provided does include large conflicts in which the US was a beligerent in some way, shape, or form, so not just wars. For example, it includes domestic conflicts the US never flagged as wars such as the various campaigns against the American natives, the invasion of Mexico and a whole bun of others lesser known ones.
pushes glasses well akshually…The US was not involved in an armed conflict from 1795 to 1798, 1805-1810, 1815-1816, 1828-1832, 1924-1939, 1961-1964 and finally 1975 to 1982. Out of the US’ 248 years of existance, it has enjoyed 38 years of official peace.
Isn’t the original line “sometimes war”? Or am I misremembering the lyrics.
I was gonna mention Bugsnax, but you beat me to it. That game starts so innocent.
The DLC for that game was a trip too. Highly recommend checking it out as it really added to Alan Wake 2 for me.
I went into Oxenfree completely blind after picking it up for next to nothing on the switch store. Great story with choices that actually matter. OP, do yourself a favor and play this without a guide.
It’s almost impossible to have not been bombarded with the main story and setting of Morrowind by this point. But when this game came out, it was an experience and a half. Unlike anything I had seen before at least. Sure, Ultima, TES 2, etc all existed. But none of them had never sold their world so effectively if you ask me.
David Cage gets lots of shit for his games, but If you experience them blind without spoilers ahead of time I find they’re pretty good interactive movies.
Remarkably accurate. Lanes become suggestions but tire tracks are mandatory.
Same, but in summer. The 24/7 nearly equal intensity daylight does a number on your internal clock and experience of time. 10/10 for wildlife though. Puffins everywhere. Plus whales, seals, walruses, and polar bears in the wild are such an impressive thing to see.
It depends on where in Sweden you live of course, but I always loved the moment the first snow was on the ground. It immediately makes the entire surroundings feel less glum, even during the short days of winter.
Agree on the impact of climate change though. The seasons used to be reliable like clockwork, and that hasn’t really been the case for the last decade and a half or so.
Found the Canadian. “It’s never a war crime the first time”.