When I first started using KDE and Sway I was so used to the Xfce apps that I installed the xfce4-goodies, running on top of Wayland. So fucking good memories.
When I first started using KDE and Sway I was so used to the Xfce apps that I installed the xfce4-goodies, running on top of Wayland. So fucking good memories.
I guess we are used to it, I like to use sway in the desktop and KDE in the laptop but I want to run Wayland. And with both of them is possible.
My ISP uses CG-WAN so in order for me to remote into it, I had to set up Tailscale, the OS isn’t perfect but is way better than any consumer grade router in the market. I also use a custom firmware, a forked version of OpenWRT that works with routers with modems.
It won’t take too long for them to invent the porn machine.
+1 for the WRT router, if you can get a decent device with an enough powerful CPU it can host Transmission
So that’s a yes?
They’re arguing in bad faith
Who the fuck is arguing? You must be a retard who gets triggered and fights everyone. Did you just come from reddit? Lmao
Lmao keyboard warrior.
Did you get triggered or offended when you read you live paycheck to paycheck?
I’m not gonna read all that homie, when you clearly are out of your mind.
Buying in bulk was the point. When you can stockpile on idk, meat, toilet paper, water… Etc. For a whole month.
When you find out most of the people live paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to buy in bulk, or don’t even have a place to store it because they live in an apartment, is when you realize that only a certain privileged subset of them is able to participate in this type of passive protests…
Related to the Wikipedia article, my childhood was in the early 2000s so to me skeumorphism, specially in software, feels very nostalgic and warm.
The mascot is tired of running nonstop in that hamster wheel.
Oh no I mean, back then when the BlackBerry was a thing.
I played it for the first time in the Wii and it was so good, I completed it 3 times.
At this point the only real choice of operating systems for people who want full control over their computer are Linux distributions.
I couldn’t agree more with you, and the same can be said about most consumer devices. If you want a full control over any device, you are gonna get the best experience flashing a custom firmware. But manufacturers don’t like it, they lose the telemetry data and revenue so they do their best to impede that.
AOSP is better but only if you’re a dev
AOSP is the way android phones should be sold, and to have the option to escalate privileges in a terminal, so you can actually do some work without relying on Google Play Services + a 200MB app to send a file to your laptop. The custom vendor images should be something people can opt in to get a vendor locked dumbed down experience.
When did microwaves get so expensive?
When households started having 3+ children who won’t bother cooking. Idk if is a generational thing, but I’ve noticed most people my age won’t even bother to learn how to cook SMH.
Anytime! We should get rid of the security thru obscurity notion that prevailed with Mac and iOS.
Damn I remember hearing this a lot like 15 years ago.