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I once used CryptPad Form as well, it’s pretty cool.
KDE is the best desktop environment. KDE is proof GNOME is a fricking hot garbage
This multiples my wish to die by 100x
The same happened to me lol
Increase your adrenaline and noradrenaline either naturally (aerobic exercises and cold shower/shock) or with chemichals (stimulant and sympathomimetic drugs). That will increase your focus and goal-oriented behavior. It’s really crazy when you’re able to achieve a 100%+ flow state. If you have heart problems you shouldn’t do it tho. I had tachycardia for 1 month straight.
KDE is the best desktop environment. KDE is proof GNOME is a fricking hot garbage
Arch is hot garbage. If you used NixOS you could just rollback
There’s just too much suffering in this world. Why have a simulated reality with people torturing and killing one another, making living animals suffer so we can eat them, animals brutally killing one another. It’s just nonsense. I myself am constantly haunted by a traumatic experience, unable to be happy. My view is eflilism if you haven’t heard about it.
No one knows. I just find this universe too imperfect. It’s nonsense. I just want it to end.
Bro, now this is for real tho, the whole world is meme, God just want to joke around
LXQt is the best desktop environment plus it’s so lightweight. LXQt is proof GNome is a bloated hot garbage.
I asked if I could use Arch with Chad KDE but they denied. Then I asked for at Windows but also denied. I’m forced to used Ubuntu LTS with GNOME.
LMAO vim is such a garbage. GNU Emacs had XDG for years already. Do yourself a favor and switch to Emacs
This. Second that. Gnome is a pile of hot garbage ffs use chad draggy KDE
GNOME is so buggy and a pile of trash ffs uninstalling
He went to Havard and got a PHD in mathematics. He had a short career as a researcher and professor. Later he bought a piece of land and became a hermit. But he was annoyed with society and sent people bombs, and published an article about contemporary world issues. He was eventually jailed.