I wish Boost understood the collapsible spoilers.
On my client, it’s all expanded and I see all the formatting characters. It looks/works great in a browser though.
I wish Boost understood the collapsible spoilers.
On my client, it’s all expanded and I see all the formatting characters. It looks/works great in a browser though.
Add a model rocket and call it a missiletoaster.
Reminds me of Piss Christ.
Reminds of the “walkers” in Battletoads
Reminds me of the fable of the scorpion and the frog.
…that’s not funny…there’s nothing funny about that.
For those who don’t know, this is Philomena Cunk, a mockumentary reporter.
Years ago, a pedophile posted photos online with his face swirled, but police were able to unswirl it:
I have no idea who the guy in this photo is.
I did this, and it was great at first. Then I needed more socks, so I bought another batch. Then I had a mix of worn socks and brand new socks. They might look the same at first, but if you take a closer look, the older ones are a little lighter in color and the texture isn’t the same. I later bought a third batch. So now I have a mix of new, old, and really old socks. It actually takes more effort to match socks now than when I had many different socks.
I see this advice posted all the time, so I guess most people don’t care if their socks on each foot are a different level of worn, but it bothers me.
You time traveled to the Middle Ages to avoid cars? That’s dedication!
Why mess with cash and money laundering? Just create a large chunk of gold.
I’m pretty sure the serving PC needs to be Windows Professional, not Windows Home, so that might not work.
I can’t believe someone downvoted you for asking about the acronym.
I get frustrated when the title, body, and comments all use an acronym, but I can’t figure it out from context. Even more frustrating is when the linked article also doesn’t explain it.
A friend of mine once downloaded something malicious to his Linux machine and wasn’t worried about it. Then some time later, while browsing his files from a Windows machine, saw it and was like, “hey, what’s this?” Oops.
He’s a tech savvy guy, so I’m guessing the fact he had downloaded it himself really let his guard down.