I’ve misundersoof you, COBRA. I thought you were hereos of communism, but when you stole my Legacy I realised you were nothing but capitalist American pigs.
Reminds me of the fable of the scorpion and the frog.
Reminds me of a Buddhist parable, but I’m driving so I’ll post it in a bit. Lol
Dear boy, just as it is the water’s nature to make me wet, so it is the nature of the Scorpion to sting. And just as it is the Scorpion’s nature to sting, it is my nature to save.
Funny thing about this is the word ‘dharma’ can either refer to an inherent quality of something(water’s wetness) or a duty that one has taken upon (a doctor treating the sick).
Reminding you to post this! Sounds interesting.
Edited to include it
Are we there yet?
Edited to include it
Are you there yet?
Edited to include it
The scorpion must follow its nature, after all.
Better Nate than lever
Ah, a classic! For today’s lucky 10,000: http://www.longestjokeintheworld.com/
Nice, another comic with its own rss feed I can add to my list. Thanks!
I’ve misunderstood you, COBRA. I thought you were a handout given to the poor, but when I had a gap in my health insurance you helped me get my medications. /s
It’s a bargain at quadruple the price!
Cobra was right. As a poikilothermic critter, a sweater is utterly useless to it.
Ah, but you forget, the sweater makes them look hella cute. Just think of all the dates they will score!
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