I eat tacos bell
I eat tacos bell
If you live near a college campus, check out their recycling center or campus surplus. Lots of IT departments just toss UPS when they upgrade equipment regardless of battery status. I like to grab APC ones because the battery replacements are easy to find and there’s usually a YouTube video for the exact model with someone refurbing it.
Rtx 3070
Upgraded my highschool family desktop I took to college with a GeForce 8800 GT , used until I build a new pc with a Radeon 7970 GHz edition, which was replaced with a rx580 after the card passed away from light coin poisoning. Desktop is now running unRAID and my new main rig has a gtx 3070 in.
If you live near a college, check their surplus or recycling. I got a brother printer for the low price of fixing a paper jam.
I understand, and I definitely don’t fault anyone who likes the show or stuck through it. I just feel like too many shows I’ve been watching lately hasn’t been worth the slog to get through, and it’s been killing my excitement for franchises.
For example I haven’t watched house of the dragon because game of thrones rushed ending, Picard season 3 because of season 2, and I fell off the marvel train after Wanda vision, falcon and winter soldier, and she hulks endings, all shows that either ending in nothing burgers or wtf I guess we need to end somehow.
I don’t think anyone who sat down and watched through the first 3 episodes can honestly say the show is being review bombed. Im enjoyed Ashoka and Boba Fett and I honestly have no interest in wasting my time finishing the show.
It’s like the nothing burgers of the Disney star wars comics. The Darth Vader series was great, and I love the idea of bleeding light sabers red. But everyone other series leading into the last Jedi was a waste of time, and I bought and read every single one.
I’ve been buying used 12tb HGST from Amazon for $80.
Wait until they learn the Spanish word for black, or worse Latin.
My alignment is neutral good
I just wanted to see Luke in the role of obi wan or Yoda after decades of Jedi training be a hero and pass on his legacy by training the next generation. But I would have been ok with one heroic lightsaber battle, and a reunion with han, chewy and Leia.
Watching the last Jedi and seeing someone who tossed his blade away because he saw the good in essentially “Space Hitler” try to kill his own nephew because he was having a nightmare so out of character. Then having him overdose on the force and die like a chump, broke me. I left the theater in silence. The last Jedi is also the only star wars movie with out a light saber fight. No blades ever touched.
Lol yeh but it’s partially funded by money saved from canceled subscriptions.
I’m a noob, I started 2 months ago with immich and tailscale. Now I have an unraid server, it’s a slippery slope.
I paid $1000 for books my first semester of college back in 2007. I felt so burnt and violated I never bought another textbook. I made it through the rest of undergrad, a masters, and a PhD in biochemistry by checking out books from the library, borrowing textbooks from friends, and going sailing. When I taught I made it a point to teach my students about all the ways they can avoid becoming a victim like myself.
It tastes like ass, but over time you grow to enjoy the taste of ass, and eventually you prefer the taste of ass .