This is just free local models right? Not models from OpenAI.
This is just free local models right? Not models from OpenAI.
It doesn’t protect you from evil executables, no torrent client does (that I know of). It’s up to you to make sure you trust what you download. If it simply is movies I wouldn’t be bothered, but games/software can be nasty when from public trackers (open for everyone torrent search engines). The same is true for direct downloads.
If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. It simply downloads torrents, I wouldn’t worry about it.
What is unclear with the mega thread? Maybe get some sleep and try again.
You can direct download sometimes but content is usually downloaded through torrents. If you want to download a torrent you need a client that can handle these torrents, you can probably search for “torrent client Android” and find something, I’ve never downloaded on my phone.
To find torrent files, check the megathread. Usually such a site works as a search engine for torrents, where each torrent equals a movie, game or some such. So you could say they replace telegram I guess.
At least that’s how I pirate, albeit with some more automization and through private trackers.
Oughh, Dungeon Keeper… That was one of my favorites as a child, the Swedish voice acting was top notch!
Go ahead, be the change you want to see.
In the threads I mentioned users were literally asking for alternatives. Trying to shove alternatives by posting in subs will end badly, no doubt.
Curious way of seeing it. I’ve never considered a new major version as being an entirely new OS… Do normal users even consider new Windows versions as anything but a UI “upgrade”?
If you don’t want version numbers maybe you should run a rolling release distro? I don’t think you’ll be able to convince everyone to stop using them. They’re quite instrumental when dealing with old systems on LTS versions when having to deal with EOL.
Or maybe this post is more of a “I just realized”-post?
Slack got sacked in my circles when they removed the ability to view messages older than 30 days…
The UI in discord isn’t great, but it works, and it’s free.
love USB
That sounds funky, I like it!
I get it, you think you’re doing good, I’d ask you to reconsider that. You’re claiming someone is doing something no one has even considered yet. Judge the result, not your idea of what they’re trying to do. You’re painting a monster no one else sees.
I won’t answer your second post to me since it wasn’t targeted at you, and I’m lazy.
So if I’m not both a woman and a man I can’t see sexism? That’s an easy way out of responsibility.
It’s not inherently anti-trans. How can you say that, can’t you see what OP wrote? And then you’re trying to put a stample on me for not being a good enough supporter of the cause, so bring out the guillotines! Sometimes I feel like the trans communities greatest enemy is it’s strongest proponents.
You can’t speak for every trans person, neither can I. But if you think no one trans likes HP, or think that if someone trans likes HP they aren’t really trans, then you can fuck right off. And if that’s not what you’re saying, then let it be?
People are weird, let them. If they aren’t actively trashing other people they aren’t doing harm. Stop being upset about things no one’s yet to do to you. You just come of as an leftist incel.
Holy fuck. I like Harry Potter and want to speak about it, so what? Because JK made a few announcements? Words do damage and I get that it’s already hard being trans and she isn’t helping. But acting like this is just building more walls, dividing an already fucked humankind for no good reason.
I respect anyone’s choice to be trans, but then you’ll have to let me discuss HP without judgement as well. And if you won’t, then you’re the problem. Because I will still respect anyone trans, but I won’t respect you.
Yeah, so just free models available, unless you already bought the paid ones. I fail to see the piracy part, or the “free chatgpt”. You’re just advertising that there are free alternatives, which I don’t mind particularly, but it just came of as something else.