Speaking of video games, This from World of Goo might work if OP wants a bit more subtlety.
The beginning (end is similar) is the only part that’s in the game and despite sounding pretty generic it somehow manages to be deeply unsettling in some way.
Exactly what I expected. Saved me from posting it, thank you.
That’s just not true.
Those are Link.
From what I read, the policy of removing domains when the county stops existing was directly based on what happened with .su so that never happens again.
Yeah, I didn’t get a good wording there. I just mean is it still up in the air?
That reminds me… Is the entire .io domain still planning to end or did that get resolved?
Just in case…
When they said “7 ounces / just under a cup.” that’s not a particular physical cup. A “cup” is an exact measure in the US, it’s 8 fluid ounces, which is 236.5882365 milliliters precisely.
Even if the US does go metric, it will take a lot longer than 50 years for people to not know how big a cup is, all measuring tools in every kitchen are marked for them and the other common units like tablespoons and teaspoons*, and virtually every recipe uses them.
*I wish I was joking.
How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like him!
I guess I’m not really a “music” person as such.
(I’m surprised it was still even logged in)
Fortunately in the US debit does generally require the PIN and always has even before chips.
The artist hates ambiguous letters even more than I do. I have to admire that dedication.
If I could scrub all san serif fonts from all my devices’ and apps’ UIs, I would.
“Fast open-source firmware for the PineTime smartwatch with many features, written in modern C++.”
Also just the fact that Machete - sorry, Uncle Machete - is a character in these kids movies.
I’m curious if it’s possible to explain how that’s enjoyable to you
people like sour candy because it’s delicious. :)
So far you seem to be the only person to even mention OP’s actual question… But the answer reads like nonsense to me personally.
What is it like to enjoy sourness? (Is that even something that can be described?)
Copyright maybe?