Why would you make a one line command in to a function 🤣
Why would you make a one line command in to a function 🤣
That’s what I thought you meant, the image implies they’re the same thing wearing different masks. The elephant is the weapon, the donkey is the one using it. In other words, a one party system pretending to be two.
That image is more telling than you intended it to be.
/dev/ram0: device not found
Go add a 2.4 era driver to a modern kernel and see how that goes.
so any remaining users have a few more years to get a new graphics card.
Anyone running a Voodoo is doing so because they want to. Dropping support is bullshit.
I haven’t used a disc player in years. 🤷
When you finish but she keeps going
Or the car will be like “You’re creeping forward with your driver’s door open? I’m going to slam in to park without even asking first then all my dash lights will be going full xmas mode while I beep incessantly. Because fuck you, that’s why.”
High stress levels on top of that would also have that effect.
Tell me you’re basic without telling me you’re basic
His character and The Wasp character are lovers… Weird Al was probably the least Alabama option.
AI still memes better than the fart right.
Typical Windows app 🧌
Why do these names sound like something a five year old thought up for imaginary friends?
Time to find employment that doesn’t involve being a soul-sucking leech on society.
Trans bad. Or something like that.